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Tankobon is a free and open source physical book collection manager, created with Kotlin, Spring Boot and Vue.js.

Screenshot of Tankobon

Warning Tankobon is under active development and is an ongoing WIP. Anyone is welcome to try it out, but do not expect a fully featured, bug-free experience. Some features will be missing and/or broken. It's not recommended to be used in production yet. Stay tuned for any news and future stable releases.


The following items are the major features aimed to be added to Tankobon on the initial releases.

  • Generic book support, including manga and comics;
  • Import books by ISBN from Open Library, Google Books™ and others;
  • Publishers, people, stores, groups and other related entities;
  • Multiple users, shared libraries and administration tools;
  • Cover search by ISBN, code or book title;
  • Book readings history tracking;
  • Search with advanced query syntax;
  • Upload custom covers and pictures;
  • Monthly statistics of expense.

The project is open to suggestions and ideas, so feel free to reach out if you have anything you'd like to see.


Get the tool from our releases page or through Docker.

Getting started

Tankobon isn't ready for normal usage yet. For now, you can follow the Contributing section to build from source and run locally or try a nightly Docker image build.

Running through Docker

The nightly images are available in Docker Hub and GitHub Packages. You can run manually by using the docker command or by using Docker Compose.

Command-line instructions
  1. Pull the Docker image.

    $ docker pull alessandrojean/tankobon:nightly

    If you want to use the image from GitHub Packages, use the command below instead.

    $ docker pull
  2. Start a Docker container in detached mode.

    $ docker run -d \
        -p 25565:8080 \
        -v /path/to/user_home/.tankobon:/root/.tankobon \
  3. Open http://localhost:25565 on a browser and proceed with the claim setup to create the first administrator user.

Docker Compose instructions
  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file.

    version: '3.9'
        # To use the GitHub Packages image, use the line below instead.
        # image:
        image: alessandrojean/tankobon:nightly
          # Tankobon will be available at port 25565.
          - '25565:8080'
          # The app files will be available outside the container.
          - /path/to/user_home/.tankobon:/root/.tankobon
  2. Start a Docker container in detached mode.

    $ docker-compose up -d
  3. Open http://localhost:25565 on a browser and proceed with the claim setup to create the first administrator user.


Contributions are very welcome! Please review the guide before getting started.

Development instructions
  1. Install pnpm, Node.js and JDK 17.
  2. Run the server:
$ ./gradlew bootRun --args=',localdb'
  1. Run the client:
$ pnpm dev

And that's it! Open http://localhost:8081 in a browser and follow the claim setup at the first time to create the administrator user.

If you use IntelliJ Idea, you can use some run configurations provided with the project that will make easier to run the application within specific contexts such as localdb, noclaim and dev.


Check the documentation at the website (to be written).


For the API there is a OpenAPI V3 documentation included with the server. It can be accessed through /docs/swagger-ui.html or /docs/redoc.html for a graphical experience, or through /docs/openapi-v3 or /docs/openapi-v3.yaml to get the Tankobon OpenAPI V3 specification in a raw format.

Project structure

Tankobon has a monorepo structure.


The core Spring Boot backend that powers up Tankobon.


The standard Vue.js web client that consumes the API.


Komga project structure is the main inspiration for the Tankobon code structure. Although it's a self-hosted tool with a different purpose, it's definetely worth taking a look into it.


You can check out the full license here.

This repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.