A custom react hook to render content responsively based on device breakpoints. The contents also updates on screen resize. It works well also on SSR applications like does built with NextJS.
npm install --save react-use-device
useDevice is a hook that returns an object with breakpoints for four devices.
isMOBILE: device === isMOBILE, // up to winndow.innerWidth of 768px
isTABLET: device === isTABLET, // up to winndow.innerWidth of 992px
isLAPTOP: device === isLAPTOP, // up to winndow.innerWidth of 1170
isDESKTOP: device === isDESKTOP // from window.innerWidth of 1170 up
import React from "react";
import { useDevice } from "react-use-device";
const MyComponent = () => {
const { isMOBILE, isTABLET, isLAPTOP, isDESKTOP } = useDevice();
return (
{isMOBILE && <h1>I am a mobile screen</h1>}
{isTABLET && <h1>I am a tablet screen</h1>}
{isLAPTOP && <h1>I am a laptop screen</h1>}
{isDESKTOP && <h1>I am a desktop screen</h1>}
export default MyComponent;
useDevice accepts a breakpoints object as input, so you can adapat the breakpoints to your project needs. It is important to notice here that you can pass whatever values you wish, but the propety names must be as follows:
const breakpoints = {
tablet: 650, // useDevice will return isMobile for wiewports < 650 and isTablet for viewports > 650
laptop: 980, // useDevice will return isTablet for wiewports < 980 and isLaptop for viewports > 980
desktop: 1200 // useDevice will return isLaptop for wiewports < 1200 and isDesktop for viewports > 1200
import React from "react";
import { useDevice } from "react-use-device";
const MyComponent = () => {
const breakpoints = {
tablet: 650,
laptop: 980,
desktop: 1200
const { isMOBILE, isTABLET, isLAPTOP, isDESKTOP } = useDevice(breakpoints);
return (
{isMOBILE && <h1>I am a mobile screen</h1>}
{isTABLET && <h1>I am a tablet screen</h1>}
{isLAPTOP && <h1>I am a laptop screen</h1>}
{isDESKTOP && <h1>I am a desktop screen</h1>}
export default MyComponent;
MIT © alexBCN84