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METARESC: META data and RESource library for C language

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METARESC is a software library written in the C programming language. It allows declaring types using a special METARESC grammar. The variables of types declared that way may be subsequently serialized into various formats and deserialized later. To achieve this the library adds metadata annotations to types. These annotations may be used for many purposes far beyond just achieving persistence.

Table of Contents

How to build library:

Install external dependencies autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, flex, bison, libxml2-dev, libyaml-dev, libtirpc-dev, check. Clone Metaresc from Github, configure and build according to the standard autoconf/automake process.


On Ubuntu, run the following command:

# apt-get install git autoconf automake libtool pkg-config flex bison libxml2-dev libyaml-dev libtirpc-dev check

Checkout Metaresc from github

$ git clone
$ cd Metaresc
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Run autoconf/automake generators:

$ ./

Configure project for target system

$ ./configure CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/tirpc LIBS=-ltirpc

Build and check library

$ make -j 4 check


On MacOs install developer tools first:

$ xcode-select --install

Install external dependencies:

# brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config flex bison libxml2 libyaml check

Checkout and build Metaresc:

$ git clone
$ cd Metaresc
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ ./
$ ./configure HAVE_BISON=yes YACC=$(brew --prefix)/opt/bison/bin/bison
$ make -j 4 check


On FreeBSD 12.1 install external dependencies:

# pkg install git autoconf automake libtool pkgconf flex bison libxml2 libyaml check

Checkout and build Metaresc:

$ git clone
$ cd Metaresc
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ ./
$ ./configure CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/
$ make -j 4 check


Download and install msys2 from

Install external dependencies:

# pacman --noconfirm -S --needed --overwrite "*" base-devel git autoconf automake libtool pkg-config flex bison libyaml-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-check mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

Checkout and build Metaresc:

$ git clone
$ cd Metaresc
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ ./
$ ./configure --without-libxml2 --disable-static --enable-shared
$ sed -i.bak -e "s/\(allow_undefined=\)yes/\1no/" libtool
$ make -j 4 check

How to build a sample app

Instruction below will cover scenario when Metaresc is build locally and is not installed into the system.

Create a folder at the same level as Metaresc. Start with hello world stub that will use metaresc.h.

#include <metaresc.h>
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  printf ("Hello world!\n");
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Compiler should be instructed where to find Metaresc header file, so we should add -I../Metaresc/src as a compilation flag. Minimal Makefile for this app should be as follows:

all: sample

CFLAGS += -I../Metaresc/src `xml2-config --cflags` -lyaml

As a next step we will add some custom structure type definition, variable of that type and serialization of this variable into format consumable by C compiler as a static initialization of that type (CINIT). For demonstration purposes sample app will define type for the binary tree node with char * value.

Metaresc provides two basic layers that enables reflection in C. First is a macro language that replaces standard type definition semantics. Second is an API to introspect meta-data generated by macro language and serialize structures according to this metadata. Macro language is pretty similar to standard semantics of types definition in C, but still requires some learning curve. In the following example it should be self-explanatory.

#include <metaresc.h>

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t,
		(char *, value),
		(tree_node_t *, left),
		(tree_node_t *, right),
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  MR_PRINT ("tree = ", (tree_node_t, &root));
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

At this point we need to link our application against statically build Metaresc library files. Makefile should be extended as follows:

all: sample

CFLAGS += -I../Metaresc/src `xml2-config --cflags`
LDLIBS += ../Metaresc/src/.libs/libmetaresc.a `xml2-config --libs` -lyaml

Output of this sample application is as follows:

tree = {
  .value = "root",
  .left = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "left",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL
  .right = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "right",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL

You may find custom macro language for types definition as an overkill. In this case you could use Metaresc macro language only for metadata generation and keep definitions of your types in a plain C. It basically means that you need to duplicate type definition: once in standard C and one more time with a Metaresc macro language. In this case global preprocessor variable MR_MODE should be defined into DESC. Example above will look as follows:

#include <metaresc.h>

typedef struct tree_node_t {
  char * value;
  struct tree_node_t * left;
  struct tree_node_t * right;
} tree_node_t;

#define MR_MODE DESC
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t,
		(char *, value),
		(tree_node_t *, left),
		(tree_node_t *, right),
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  MR_PRINT ("tree = ", (tree_node_t, &root));
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Metadata generation macro will validate at compile time that provided types matches types of the structure fields, but it is still on user to synchronize the list of fields with the original declaration. Order of the fields could be arbitrary and library will reorder them based on offset for use in serialization. Necessity to keep types of fields in sync might be annoying and overwhelming. The good news is that you could omit types specification in macro language for all fields of basic types (boolean, integer, float, complex, single characters, strings, pointers on all types listed above and even pointers on structures of base type). So example above could be reduced to:

#include <metaresc.h>

typedef struct tree_node_t {
  char * value;
  struct tree_node_t * left;
  struct tree_node_t * right;
} tree_node_t;

#define MR_MODE DESC
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t, value, left, right);
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  MR_PRINT ("tree = ", (tree_node_t, &root));
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

For happy users of clang15+ library provides one more option to discover type descriptors. Use macro MR_ADD_TYPE for structs and unions. This macro will automatically discover fields of most basic types, inline structures and unions, bitfields, arrays and pointers of known types. Fields of the following types are not supported: inline strings, enums, function pointers. Example above will look as follows:

#include <metaresc.h>

typedef struct tree_node_t {
  char * value;
  struct tree_node_t * left;
  struct tree_node_t * right;
} tree_node_t;

MR_ADD_TYPE (tree_node_t);
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  MR_PRINT ("tree = ", (tree_node_t, &root));
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

For registration of multiple types use macro lambda iterator MR_FOREACH (MR_ADD_TYPE, my_struct0_t, my_struct1_t, my_struct2_t);.

I would expect that some of the users still will find this a bit challenging and overcomplicated. For those users library provides a way to generate metadata from compiler debug symbols. It adds some complexity to a build process, but doesn't require any interaction with a macro language. In this case sample above will look as follows:

#include <metaresc.h>

typedef struct tree_node_t {
  char * value;
  struct tree_node_t * left;
  struct tree_node_t * right;
} tree_node_t;

int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  MR_PRINT ("tree = ", root, "\n");
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

NB! With DWARF type discovery you also get type detection for the variables, so there is no need to specify types for serialization. You need to add one more file to the project sample_types.c:

#include <metaresc.h>

static mr_dwarf_t mr_dwarf =
#include "sample_types.h"

static inline void __attribute__((constructor)) mr_types_init (void) { mr_add_dwarf (&mr_dwarf); }

Makefile should be modified as follows:

all: sample

sample: sample.o sample_types.o
sample_no_types: sample.o
	$(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
sample_types.o: sample_types.c sample_types.h
sample_types.h: sample_no_types
	type dsymutil && dsymutil $? || echo "dsymutil not found"
	../Metaresc/src/mr_dwarf $? > $@

	$(RM) *.o sample_types.h

CFLAGS += -I../Metaresc/src `xml2-config --cflags` -O2 -g -Wall
LDLIBS += ../Metaresc/src/.libs/libmetaresc.a `xml2-config --libs` -lyaml

Here we build two binary executables: sample and sample_no_types. Both executable links sample.o object file, but real sample also requires sample_types.o. sample_types.o is built out of sample_types.c mentioned above. This is a static function that will be automatically executed at the start of application (__attribute__ ((constructor))). This function iterates through the array of type descriptors and registers those types in the library. Array of type descriptors is a statically initialized array that gets type descriptors via include of sample_types.h file. Content of sample_types.h generated in the build process with the use of mr_dwarf utility. This utility takes an arbitrary list of object files (on Linux only) and executables and dumps all types of information found in debug symbols. This type information is presented in a form of statically initialized structures of type mr_td_t known as type descriptor of Metaresc. Makefile dependencies are made in a way that first sample.c is compiled into object file sample.o, this file is linked into sample_no_types executable, this executable is processed with dsymutil (MacOS utility to extract debug symbols in a separate folder consumable by libdwarf), afterwards mr_dwarf is used to produce sample_types.h out of debug symbols, at this point all dependencies for building sample_types.o are satisfied and sample_types.c is get compiled, finally we do linking of sample.o and sample_types.o into sample executable.

Serialization/deserialization interface

Library provides serialization/deserialization to/from following formats:

Availability of each particular format determined at ./configure stage of the build process.

  • XML2 require libxml2 library
  • YAML require libyaml library
  • XDR is available as part of Libc on most platforms, but in 2023 this code was extracted into Suns Transport-Independent RPC library for Linux (libtrpc) in Debian based distributions.
  • Deserialization from CINIT/JSON/XML1/SCM require bison/flex


MR_SAVE_* macroses do a serialization. MR_SAVE_CINIT/MR_SAVE_JSON/MR_SAVE_YAML/MR_SAVE_XML1/MR_SAVE_XML2/MR_SAVE_SCM are string based serialization and require only two arguments: type of the pointer and pointer on data. Type of the pointer by default should be specified as C language token. Save macro do verification that data pointer matches specified type and after that convert type to a string. The rest of serialization process require type only as a string. It might happen that user serialization function gets data pointer as void* and type as a string. In this case you need to skip type verification step and access serialization with stringified type. Unfortunately library can't automatically detect in which form type is provided, so you need to make some macro tricks for switching between those two modes. All serialization macroses internally uses macro MR_SAVE (type, pointer). This macro serialize data into graph-like internal representation, which later on gets converted to specific formats. By default MR_SAVE is defined to MR_SAVE_TYPED which expects type to be a C token. There is another underlying macro MR_SAVE_STR_TYPED which takes type as a string. User could redefine MR_SAVE to MR_SAVE_STR_TYPED as needed. There is also an option to pass a single argument for 'MR_SAVE_TYPED'. This is an equivalent of an empty type and single passed parameter is used as a second parameter pointer. With Clang library will detect type of the pointer and will convert it to a string. On GCC this feature is not supported and empty type will work only for pointers on basic types (int, float, complex, bool. char*, etc) which doesn't really make much sense in real life use cases. Semantics of empty 'type' and single argument macro applies to whole family of macroses for all serialization formats.

Data pointer might be a pointer on a local array. In this cases library will serialize the whole array. Example below demonstrates serialization of an array with auto detection of pointer type (works both with GCC and Clang).

  int array[] = {1, 2, 3};
  char * dump = MR_SAVE_CINIT (array);
    might be MR_SAVE_CINIT ( , array);
    or MR_SAVE_CINIT (int, array);
  if (dump)
      printf ("array = %s", dump);
      MR_FREE (dump);

This will output:

array = {

In case of failure, the serialization macro will return NULL. More details on error handling could be found in section Error handling. Memory allocated by serialization macroses must be deallocated by MR_FREE function. More details on memory allocation could be found in section Memory allocation

MR_SAVE_XDR (type, pointer, xdrs) is a little bit different from the rest. It requires 3 parameters. First two parameters are passed directly to MR_SAVE as described above. The third parameter is an XDR stream descriptor. This macro returns status of the operation as an enum of type mr_status_t. Possible values of this enum are MR_SUCCESS and MR_FAILURE. Stream descriptor is a structure of type XDR that must be initialized with a designated constructor. LibC/libtrpc provides constructor (xdr_create) for stream that will redirect serialized data to file descriptor. Metaresc also provide constructor (mr_xdrra_create) that will store serialized data into memory. For convenience purposes library also provides wrapper macro (MR_SAVE_XDR_RA (type, pointer)) that have all boilerplate code for serialization into memory and returns result in a form of resizable array (mr_rarray_t). Declaration of type could be found in mr_proto.h Other serialization methods also have corresponding MR_SAVE_*_RA equivalents for serialization to resizable array.

For serialization to XML user could either use specific method (XML2 for libxml2 and XML1 for custom serialization) or just use MR_SAVE_XML/MR_SAVE_XML_RA that will redirect to a first available option (XML2 by default). XML1 custom serialization implemented to fully match output of xmlDocDumpFormatMemory () from libxml2. The benefit of XML1 vs XML2 is a 40% reduction of the memory footprint and comparable improvement in performance.


MR_LOAD_* macro family do deserialization. There are two options how those macro could be used:

  • with 3 arguments (type, src, dst) those macro will return status of the operation. In this case type is a C language token that define type of loading structure, src is either a string in designated format or an XDR stream handler, dst is a pointer of type* where data should be loaded. With Clang first parameter could be empty because type could be derived from the dst pointer.

  • the same macro with 2 arguments (type, src) will return a structure of designated type. Error handling in this case could be intercepted via logging callback described in Error handling section.

Example below demonstrates the concept:

#include <metaresc.h>

                int quot,
                int rem,

int main ()
  mr_div_t div3, div2 = MR_LOAD_CINIT (mr_div_t, "{1, 2}");
  mr_status_t status = MR_LOAD_CINIT (mr_div_t, "{3, 4}", &div3);
  MR_PRINT ("div2 = ", (mr_div_t, &div2, JSON),
	    "status = ", (mr_status_t, &status),
	    "div3 = ", (mr_div_t, &div3, JSON)
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

The output of this program is:

div2 = {
  "quot" : 1,
  "rem" : 2
status = MR_SUCCESS
div3 = {
  "quot" : 3,
  "rem" : 4

For unification purposes all formats also support loading from resizable arrays. Macroses MR_LOAD_*_RA (type, resizable_array, dst) takes a pointer on a resizable_array_t as a second arguments. Those macroses also could be used with 2 arguments assuming the same semantics as primary versions of load macroses.

Note that Metaresc serialization/deserialization supports cross referencing of pointers on the same object. Object will be serialized only once and other references on this object will be annotated accordingly, so deserialization process will be able to restore pointers correctly. This also impose a limitation on deserialization with simplified semantics (2 arguments). It should not be used in case if serialization tree may contain a pointer on a root object. A simpliest example of this case is a linked list element referring to its root element.

#include <metaresc.h>

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (linked_list_t,
		(linked_list_t *, next),

int main ()
  linked_list_t linked_list; = &linked_list;
  char * dump = MR_SAVE_YAML (linked_list_t, &linked_list);
  if (dump)
      linked_list_t ll3, ll2 = MR_LOAD_YAML (linked_list_t, dump);
      mr_status_t status = MR_LOAD_YAML (linked_list_t, dump, &ll3);
      bool ll2_self_referenced = &ll2 ==;
      bool ll3_self_referenced = &ll3 ==;
      MR_PRINT ("YAML:\n\n", dump, "\n\n",
		"status = ", (mr_status_t, &status),
		"ll2_self_referenced = ", ll2_self_referenced, "\n",
		"ll3_self_referenced = ", ll3_self_referenced, "\n");
      MR_FREE (dump);
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

The output is:


--- &ref_idx_0
next: *ref_idx_0

status = MR_SUCCESS
ll2_self_referenced = false
ll3_self_referenced = true

MR_PRINT helper macro

For logging and debugging purposes its useful to have a wrapper layer that will incorporate standard routine for output of serialized objects: serialization to string, NULL checking, output to file and memory deallocation. Metaresc provides MR_PRINT and MR_FPRINT macroses that hides all the boiler plate code and simulate Python-like semantics. Those variadic macroses automatically detects type of arguments and output them with proper formatting. Supported types are: strings, charecters, booleans, integers, float, complex, pointers. Pointers on basic types also output content of referenced memory. With Clang pointers on structures and unions are also augmented with serialized content of referenced memory. Arguments in parentheses are passed to serialization engine. There should be 2 or 3 arguments in parentheses to trigger serialization routine. 2 arguments case is (type, pointer) that are passed to serialization macro. Default serialization method is CINIT, but you can change this preprocessor variable MR_PRINT_SERIALIZATION_METHOD. 3 arguments case is (type, pointer, format) that allows to serialize into any other supported format. Possible formats are: CINIT, JSON, YAML, SCM, XML, XML1, XML2.

MR_PRINT output to stdout and MR_FPRINT use the first argument as file descriptor. Both macroses returns number of outputed bytes.

Types declaration macro language

Metaresc provides 4 top level macro definitions.

  • TYPEDEF_STRUCT - equivalent for typedef struct type_t {} type_t;
  • TYPEDEF_UNION - equivalent for typedef union type_t {} type_t;
  • TYPEDEF_ENUM - equivalent for typedef enum type_t {} type_t;
  • TYPEDEF_FUNC - works for definition of function pointer types

Structure type declaration

TYPEDEF_STRUCT must have at least one argument - struct type name. All consequent arguments are delimited by comma and considered as a structure fields declarations. Empty declarations are ignored. Fields declarations could be presented in a multiple forms:

  1. most of the basic types could be declared in a standard C notation
  2. pointers, fields of a custom types, arrays, function pointers should be declared as a structured set in parentheses
  3. non-serializable fields, bitfields, anonymous unions looks like a macro calls, i.e. a keyword followed by a set of arguments in parentheses.

Fields of a basic types

This is a simplified notation for basic types. It allows declaration of a single field with a type name that consists of the following keywords:

  • unsigned
  • signed
  • char
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • bool
  • float
  • double
  • complex
  • int8_t
  • uint8_t
  • int16_t
  • uint16_t
  • int32_t
  • uint32_t
  • int64_t
  • uint64_t
  • size_t
  • ssize_t
  • long_double_t
  • string_t
  • mr_ptr_t
  • volatile
  • const

Here is a valid example:

		int x,
		long int y,
		long long int z,
		volatile long long int v,

Extended semantics for fields declaration

Extended semantics allows not only declaration itself, but also a metadata definition. User could augment fields with text metadata and arbitrary structured resources. User could access metadata and resources at runtime via reflection API provided by Metaresc. Field declaration is presented as positional set of parameters in parentheses:

(type, name, _suffix_, _text\_metadata_, _{ pointer\_on\_resources\_array }_, _resource\_type_, _resources\_array\_size_)

Only the first two parameters are mandatory, the rest are optional.

  1. type is a field type
  2. name is a field name
  3. suffix is used for declaration of arrays, function pointers and bitfields
  4. text_metadata is a user defined string
  5. pointer_on_resources_array is a void* pointer that user can
    initialize with a pointer on array of structured resources
  6. resource_type is a string that defines type of resource pointer
  7. resource_array_size is an integer value that denotes size of
    resource array

text_metadata and resource information are available at run-time through reflection API.

Example below demonstrates extended semantics:

		(int, field),
		(int *, pointer),
		(int **, double_pointer),
		(int, array1d, [2]),
		(int, array2d, [2][2]),
		(int, array3d, [2][2][2]),
		(int, array4d, [2][2][2][2]),
		(int *, pointers_array, [2]),
		(int, function, (int)),
		(int, int_bitfield, : sizeof (int) * __CHAR_BIT__ - 1),
		(bool, bool_bitfield, : 1),
		(int, metadata, /* suffix */, "text metadata"),
		(int, void_resource, /* suffix */, /* text metadata */, { "string as a void pointer" }),
		(int, structured_resource, /* suffix */, /* text metadata */, { (sample_t[]){{0}} }, "sample_t"),
		(int, structured_resources_array, /* suffix */, /* text metadata */, { (sample_t[]){{0}, {1}} }, "sample_t", 2 * sizeof (sample_t)),

Non-serializable fields

For the fields that should not be serialized use keyword VOID as a prefix for declaration. Metaresc still detect type of those fields, but skip them at the serialization/deserialization process. Note that function pointers needs to be declared without braces and asterisk, and asterisk for pointers should be a part of type, but not a field name. Sample declaration as follows:

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (non_serializable_t,
		VOID (int, field),
		VOID (int *, pointer),
		VOID (int, array, [2]),
		VOID (int, function, (int)),
		VOID (int, bitfield, : 4),

Field declaration

Type of the field may consist of multiple tokens and could include keywords: const, volatile, restrict, struct, union, enum. Name of the field must be strictly one token.

Pointer declaration

Metaresc is capable to resolve pointers on basic types and on custom user's types. char * is treated as pointer on a NULL-terminated string, but not a pointer on a single character. Double pointers are also supported.

Default serialization of a pointer is a single instance of designated type, but Metaresc also supports representation of pointers as arrays of variable size. Size of the array in this case should provided as another field of the same structure. User may specify name of this field via structured resource of the pointer field. There are two options how this could be done.

  1. User may specify name of the size field as a string and denote that type of the resource is a "string". Sample declaration as follows:
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (resizable_array_t,
		(sample_t *, array, /* suffix */, /* text metadata */, { "array_size" }, "string"),
		ssize_t array_size,

Existence of the size field could be validated only at the run-time, so this method makes a loosely-coupled definition.

  1. Another way to specify size field is to provide offset of this field as a structured resource. Sample declaration as follows:
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (resizable_array_t,
		(sample_t *, array, /* suffix */, /* text metadata */, { .offset = offsetof (resizable_array_t, array_size) }, "offset"),
		ssize_t array_size,

This method ensures that size field is presented in designated structure, but does not verify that pointer and size fields are within the same structure and size field has appropriate type. This validation happens at run-time. size field might be of any integer type including bool and char. It could also be an enum or bitfield which are integer types by language design. size field could also be a pointer on any type listed above except bitfield. bitfields could be specified as size field only with the first declaration method, because compiler can't calculate offsetof for the bitfields.

Size should be specified in bytes, i.e. number of elemenets in this dynamic array will be calculated as total size divided by size of one element. Size specification for double pointers will affect only top level pointer, and second level pointer will be serialized as a single element.

Descriptors for pointer fields that are generated from DWARF debug info have structured resource configured according to the first method. I.e. size field configured as a string identifier and formed from the name of the field with _size suffix.

Array declaration

Third argument suffix in the field's declaration denotes dimensions of the array. Metaresc is capable to distinguish multi-dimensional arrays up to 4 diminsions. Higher orders of dimensions are treated as four-dimensional arrays with aggregated lower dimension. You could use intermediate wrapper types for propper serialization of 5+ dimensional arrays.

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (array_1d_t,
		(int, array, [2]));
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (array_4d_t,
		(int, array, [2][2][2][2]));
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (array_5d_t,
		(array_1d_t, array, [2][2][2][2]));
TYPEDEF_STRUCT (array_8d_t,
		(array_4d_t, array, [2][2][2][2]));

Each dimension is limitted to 2^32 elements. If you need more than that most probably you're doing something wrong.

Zero-size arrays are also supported. Type descriptor will have all meta information for those fields, but serialization will omit them as empty fields. C standard allows empty-size declaration at the end of the structure. In Metaresc those fields could be declared as non-serializable.

		(int, zero_size_array, [0]),
		VOID (int, empty_size_array, []));

Base type of array's declaration might be:

  • C basic type (character, string, boolean, integer, float, complex)
  • any other type declared within Metaresc (struct, enum, union, function, char array)
  • pointer on types listed above
  • double pointers are not supported

meta and res fields will be derived for serialization of individual array's elements. This allows extended semantics for arrays of unions:

  • with 'meta' you could define discriminators for unions
	       (bool, _bool),
	       (int, _int),
	       (float, _float));

		(union_t, array, [2], "element_discriminator"),
		(bool, element_discriminator, , "discriminator for array elements"));

Example demostrates array of two elements discriminated by boolean value 'element_discriminator'. 'element_discriminator' is interpreted as an integer index within union, i.e. both elements of the array will be serialized as '_bool' or as '_int' respectively.

  • with 'res' you could define overrides for union discriminators
	       (bool, _bool),
	       (int, _int),
	       (float, _float));

		(union_t, array, [2], "element_discriminator", { (mr_ud_override_t[]){ { false, "_float" } } }, "mr_ud_override_t"),
		(bool, element_discriminator, , "discriminator for array elements"));

Example similar to previous one, but if 'element_discriminator' is equal to 'false' union serialized as '_float'.

  • with 'res' you could define size for a single dimensional array. Semantics is similar to pointers of variable size. You could specify 'size' field either via 'offset' or as a name of the field.
		(int, array, [16], "static array allocated for a maximal possible size, but real utilization is defined	by 'size' field", { .offset = offsetof (array_t, size) }, "offset"),
		(size_t, size, , "dynamically limit serialization of a static array to a certain size"));

Function pointer declaration

If **_suffix_** is an expression in parentheses, then this field is treated as a function pointer declaration. I.e. declaration is equivalent of type (*name) suffix; as a standard type declaration. List of function arguments is processed and Metaresc type descriptor contains this list in a structured way. This information could be retrieved at run-time through reflection API. User must not use arguments names in this declaration. Variadic functions should be declared as non-serializable fields. Metaresc serialize function pointers as function names retrieved via dladdr (). You need to compile with -rdynamic flag to enable resolution of pointers into function names at run time. If function name is not available then the pointer is serialized as hex value.

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (functions_t,
		(int, my_fork, ()),
		(int, my_fork_implicit_void, (void)),
		(int, my_vprintf, (const char * restrict /* format */, va_list /* ap */)),
		VOID (int, (*my_printf), (const char * restrict /* format */, ...)),

Bitfields declaration

Bitfields could be declared with the same semantics as arrays and function pointers. Specify **_suffix_** as semicolon and bitfield width and Metaresc will automatically detect bitfield declaration. type must be one of integer types including bool. enums are also represented as integer types by language design.

Sample declaration as follows:

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (bitfields_t,
		(int, size, : sizeof (int) * __CHAR_BIT__ - 1),
		(bool, used, : 1));

Union declaration

Union field declaration works as declaration of any other type. The tricky part is how to differentiate which branch of the union to serialize at run-time. text_metadata of the union field works for identification of discriminator. Discriminator is a field in serialization hierarchy that in run-time identifies active branch of the union. The reason why this field might not be in parent structure is because for structures like linked lists or trees it make sense to have this discriminator only at the top level, but not in individual nodes. If text_metadata is not specified union is serialized as a first branch in union declaration. The same default serialization works in case if discriminor was not found at run-time. Identification of the active branch is based on the type of the discriminator field:

  • Integer types and booleans are interpreted as an index of active branch. 0-indexing is used.

  • Dynamic (char *) and static (char[]) strings are interpreted as a name of the active branch.

  • enums resolves to a name of active branch based on text_metadata of enum value.

  • Bitfields resolves based on their base type.

  • Structures and unions resolves as a first field recursively down to basic type field listed above.

  • Array resolves as a first element, even though array might be of a zero size.

  • Pointers resolves based on non-NULL pointer value according rules listed above.

Example below demonstrates the concept:

	       VOID (intptr_t, non_serializable),
	       (intptr_t, int_value),
	       (double, dbl_value),
	       (char *, str_value),
	       (void *, ptr_value),

TYPEDEF_ENUM (union_discriminator_t,
	      (UD_INT, , "int_value"),
	      (UD_DBL, , "dbl_value"),
	      (UD_STR, , "str_value"),
	      (UD_PTR, , "ptr_value"),

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t,
		(union_t, value, , "discriminator"),
		(struct tree_node_t *, left),
		(struct tree_node_t *, right),

		(union_discriminator_t, discriminator),
		(tree_node_t *, root),

For declaration of anonymous union use keywords:

  • ANON_UNION (name, attributes)
  • END_ANON_UNION (text_metadata, { pointer_on_resources_array }, resource_type, resource_array_size)

All arguments for them are optional. Even though union is anonymous it still require some name for serialization into self-descriptive formats like XML, JSON or YAML. If name is not specified Metaresc will auto-generate the name for it. Compiler specific __attributes__ (()) modifiers could be passed over attributes argument. Previous example with anonymous union will look as follows:

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t,
		ANON_UNION (value, __attribute__ ((packed))),
		(intptr_t, int_value),
		(double, dbl_value),
		(char *, str_value),
		(void *, ptr_value),
		END_ANON_UNION ("discriminator"),
		(struct tree_node_t *, left),
		(struct tree_node_t *, right),

Metaresc also allows to make discriminator's resolution overrides for individual declarations of union fields. For above example you may want to have alternative type in which values discriminated with UD_STR must not be serialized. This could be achieved in the following way:

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (single_linked_list_node_t,
		(union_t, value, , "discriminator",
		{ (mr_ud_override_t[]){ { UD_STR, "non_serializable"} } }, "mr_ud_override_t"),
		(struct tree_node_t *, next),

Union field declaration should be augmented with an array of type mr_ud_override_t. This type represents a tuple of integer value and a string. First is a value of discriminator that require override and second is name of the branch in union. In case of multiple overrides you should also provide a size of this array. Example below demonstrates a recommended approach:

#define OVERRIDES				\
  (mr_ud_override_t[]){				\
    { UD_STR, "non_serializable"},		\
    { UD_PTR, "non_serializable"},		\

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (double_linked_list_node_t,
		(union_t, value, , "discriminator",
		{ OVERRIDES }, "mr_ud_override_t", sizeof (OVERRIDES)),
		(struct tree_node_t *, prev),
		(struct tree_node_t *, next),

Those overrides affects discriminators of integer types, booleans and enums. Overrides also could be specified for pointers on unions and arrays of unions. Unfortunatelly you can't declare overrides for pointers on dynamic arrays, because both declarations uses structured resources of the field.

Descriptors for union fields that are generated from DWARF debug info have text_metadata set to the name of the field with _discriminator suffix. Names for anonymous unions are auto-generated based on DWARF internal indexing schema.

Text metadata and resource information

Text metadata is a user defined string that could be retrieved at run-time through reflection API. This property is also used for union fields discrimination (a way to identify at run-time which union branch to use).

Resource information (text_metadata, { pointer_on_resources_array }, resource_type, resources_array_size) is also available at run-time through reflection API and is used for dynamic arrays size specification and union discriminator overrides.

NULL-terminated strings vs character arrays

There are multiple notions for char * fields.

  • The most common case is a NULL-terminated string.
  • In some cases this pointer is considered as a pointer on a single character.
  • It is also possible that pointer should be considered as a pointer on an array or characters of a certain length.

By default char * is classified by Metaresc as a NULL-terminated string. For declaration of a pointer on a single character add .stype.mr_type = MR_TYPE_POINTER at the end of field declaration (separated by comma after any argument after text_metadata).

	        (char *, str, , { .offset = offsetof (substr_t, length) }, "offset", .stype.mr_type = MR_TYPE_POINTER),
		VOID (size_t, length));

The same problem is applicable for the declaration of characters array. In most cases this declaration implies limited length NULL-terminated static string, but in some cases user might want to serialize this field as an array of characters. Standard declaration of the array will be considered as a second case. For limited length NULL-terminated static strings add .stype.mr_type = MR_TYPE_CHAR_ARRAY, .stype.is_array = false at the end of field declaration. Example as follows:

typedef char static_string_t[sizeof ("Metaresc")];

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (char_array_t,
		(char, array, [sizeof ("Metaresc")], "array of characters"),
		(char, inline_static_string, [sizeof ("Metaresc")],
		"inline static NULL-terminated string", .stype.mr_type = MR_TYPE_CHAR_ARRAY, .stype.is_array = false),
		(static_string_t, static_string, , "static NULL-terminated string"));

Serialization of this structure into C-init format produces the following output.

  .array = {
  .inline_static_string = "Metaresc",
  .static_string = "Metaresc"

Union type declaration

Union declaration is matching structure type declaration on 100%. Use macro TYPEDEF_UNION for union type declaration. Everything that works for structures works for unions, including transparent unions.

Enumeration type declaration

Macro TYPEDEF_ENUM works for enumeration types declaration. First argument of the macro is a type name and the rest are enumeration values. For enumeration values you can use either simplified semantics or extended variant.

(name, _value\_assignment_, _text\_metadata_, { _pointer\_on\_resources\_array_ }, _resource\_type_, _resource\_array\_size_)

All arguments except the first one are optional. Example below demonstrates the use of the macro:

TYPEDEF_ENUM (color_t, ATTRIBUTES (__attribute__ ((packed))),
              RED,           /* auto-enumerated and becomes 0 */
              (ORANGE),      /* auto-enumerated and becomes 1 */

              (YELLOW, = 2), /* explicitly set to 2 */
              (GREEN,  = 3,  "set to 3 - this is a textual meta info"),
              (BLUE, ,  "auto-enumerated", { "a void pointer for arbitrary resource" }),

	       /* value argument may be empty */,
	       "becomes 5",
	       { "next argument is a type of this poiner" },

	       /* auto-enumerated */,
	       /* no meta         */,
	       { (color_t[]){ PINK } },
	       "color_t" /* type itself might be used for initialization of resource */

	       /* auto-enumerated */,
	       /* no meta         */,
	       { (color_t[]){ RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, PINK, BROWN } },
	       8 * sizeof (color_t) /* size of resource array */
	       )           /* trailing comma is optional */

Function pointer type declaration

For declaration of function types use macro TYPEDEF_FUNC. Here is an example of the usage:

TYPEDEF_FUNC (int, compar_fn_t, (const void * /* x */, const void * /* y */));

Declaration of function type in C language optionally accepts names of the argument. Unfortunatelly with Metaresc types only must be used. Types of return value and all arguments are stored in type descriptor and are available for introspection at run time.

Metadata and resources definition for types

All type declaration macroses accepts keyword ATTRIBUTES as an argument at any position. This keyword must be followed with a list of parameters in parentheses.

ATTRIBUTES (attributes, text_metadata, { pointer_on_resources_array }, resource_type, resource_array_size)

attributes is a token that will be used at type declaration. As an example this might be __attribute__ ((packed, aligned (64))). The rest is a metadata that is stored in type desriptor and is accessible for introspection at run time. The structure of this metadata is identical to metadata of struct/union fields.

All arguments for ATTRIBUTES are positional and optional.

Extra features

Introspection of data structures allows to reconstruct a graph of individual objects and references between them. Graph representation enables a set of extra features, such as:

Deep copy

MR_COPY_RECURSIVELY is similar to MR_LOAD_* macroses. It may take 2 or 3 arguemnts and semantics of those arguments is the same as for MR_LOAD_* macroses. The source (src) in this case is a pointer on original structure. All non-void pointers and strings will be allocated with MR_CALLOC and copied from the original source. Cross references will be restored identically to origin.

Example below demostrates a deep copy of a binary tree.

#include <metaresc.h>

TYPEDEF_STRUCT (tree_node_t,
		(char *, value),
		(tree_node_t *, left),
		(tree_node_t *, right),
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
  tree_node_t root = {
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "left" } },
    (tree_node_t[]){ { "right" } },
  tree_node_t copy3, copy2 = MR_COPY_RECURSIVELY (tree_node_t, &root);
  mr_status_t status = MR_COPY_RECURSIVELY (tree_node_t, &root, &copy3);
  MR_PRINT ("copy2 = ", (tree_node_t, &copy2),
  	    "status = ", (mr_status_t, &status),
	    "copy3 = ", (tree_node_t, &copy3));
  MR_FREE_RECURSIVELY (tree_node_t, &copy2);
  MR_FREE_RECURSIVELY (tree_node_t, &copy3);
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Recursive memory deallocation

Macro MR_FREE_RECURSIVELY requires two arguments (type, pointer). Underlying function call traverse through the graph and frees all non-NULL pointers and strings. Deallocation of the top level object is a duty of a calling function. Example above demostrates the usage of this macro. As a result of execution of this code all memory blocks allocated by MR_COPY_RECURSIVELY are freed by MR_FREE_RECURSIVELY. Valgrind memory check as follows:

==9190== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==9190== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==9190== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==9190== Command: ./examples/.libs/type_prefixes
copy2 = {
  .value = "root",
  .left = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "left",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL
  .right = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "right",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL
status = MR_SUCCESS
copy3 = {
  .value = "root",
  .left = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "left",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL
  .right = (tree_node_t[]){
      .value = "right",
      .left = NULL,
      .right = NULL
==9190== HEAP SUMMARY:
==9190==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9190==   total heap usage: 167 allocs, 167 frees, 67,699 bytes allocated
==9190== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==9190== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==9190== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)

Objects hashing

Macro MR_HASH_STRUCT takes two arguments (type, pointer) and returns unsigned integer value of type mr_hash_value_t. Non-serializable fields (declared as VOID () or of types not known to Metaresc) are not used for hashing. Typed pointers and strings are hashed based on content value, but not a pointer value. Copies derived by MR_COPY_RECURSIVELY have identical hash values as an original object.

Comparation of structures

MR_CMP_STRUCTS is a macro that has 3 arguments: (type, pointer1, pointer2). It takes two pointers of the same type and returns integrer value that represents result of structures comparation. Non-serializable fields are not used for comparation.

Generic sorting

Structure of serialization graph

MR_SAVE mr_ptrs_dfs

Access and structure of type descriptor


Access and structure of field descriptor


Enumerations metadata

mr_get_enum_by_value mr_get_enum_by_name


Error handling

Memory allocation

How to make certain field in type non-serializable


Formatted output to a resizable array


Indexing framework


META data and RESource library for C language







No releases published



Contributors 3

