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Advent of Code 2024

DataWeave scripts used in the site for 2024.

I used the DataWeave extension for VS Code to create these scripts. Most of them should run in the DataWeave Playground with no issue. However, some of the more complex examples have to run with the DataWeave CLI.

To run any script with the CLI, you can use the following syntax:

dw run -i payload=<path to payload file> -f <path to transform.dwl file>

For example:

dw run -i payload=scripts/day1/part1/inputs/payload.csv -f scripts/day1/part1/transform.dwl

If there's no input, just remove the -i payload=<file> part.

Other Muleys doing DataWeave

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๐Ÿ”น Day 1

Part 1

%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator=" ", header=false
output application/json
var a = payload.column_0 orderBy $
var b = payload.column_3 orderBy $
(0 to sizeOf(a)-1) map (abs(a[$] - b[$])) then sum($)

Part 2

import countBy from dw::core::Arrays
var p = read(payload, "application/csv", {header:false,separator:" "})
var a = p.column_0
var b = p.column_3
a map ((item) -> 
    (b countBy ($==item)) * item
) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 2

Part 1

import every, countBy from dw::core::Arrays
var decreasing = "decreasing"
var increasing = "increasing"
((payload splitBy "\n") map (
    (($ splitBy " ") reduce ((number, a=[]) -> 
        if (isEmpty(a)) a+{
            prevNum: number,
            operation: null,
            isSafe: true
        } else (a[-1].operation match {
            case null -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: if (a[-1].prevNum-number > 0) decreasing else increasing,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains abs(a[-1].prevNum - number) 
            case "$(decreasing)" -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: a[-1].operation,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (a[-1].prevNum - number)
            else -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: a[-1].operation,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (number - a[-1].prevNum)
    )).isSafe every $
)) countBy $

Part 2

Horrible code. But I did what I had to do :(

import every, countBy from dw::core::Arrays
var decreasing = "decreasing"
var increasing = "increasing"
var newp = ((payload splitBy "\n") map (
    (($ splitBy " ") reduce ((number, a=[]) -> 
        if (isEmpty(a)) a+{
            prevNum: number,
            operation: null,
            isSafe: true
        } else (a[-1].operation match {
            case null -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: if (a[-1].prevNum-number > 0) decreasing else increasing,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains abs(a[-1].prevNum - number) 
            case "$(decreasing)" -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: a[-1].operation,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (a[-1].prevNum - number)
            else -> a+{
                prevNum: number,
                operation: a[-1].operation,
                isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (number - a[-1].prevNum)
var safeOnes = newp filter ((item) -> item.isSafe every $)
var unsafeOnes = newp -- safeOnes
fun getScenarios(data) = data map ($ reduce ((number, a=[]) ->
    if (isEmpty(a)) a+{
        prevNum: number,
        operation: null,
        isSafe: true
    } else (a[-1].operation match {
        case null -> a+{
            prevNum: number,
            operation: if (a[-1].prevNum-number > 0) decreasing else increasing,
            isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains abs(a[-1].prevNum - number) 
        case "$(decreasing)" -> a+{
            prevNum: number,
            operation: a[-1].operation,
            isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (a[-1].prevNum - number)
        else -> a+{
            prevNum: number,
            operation: a[-1].operation,
            isSafe: [1, 2, 3] contains (number - a[-1].prevNum)
unsafeOnes map ((firstArray) -> 
    getScenarios(firstArray.prevNum map ((number, numIndex) -> 
        firstArray.prevNum filter ((item, index) -> index != numIndex)
    )) filter ((item) -> item.isSafe every $)
) filter (!isEmpty($)) 
then sizeOf($)+sizeOf(safeOnes)

๐Ÿ”น Day 3

Part 1

(flatten(payload scan /mul\(\d+,\d+\)/)) map do {
    var nums = flatten($ scan /\d+/)
    nums[0] * nums[1]
} then sum($)

Part 2

(payload scan /(mul|don't|do)\(\d*,?\d*\)/) reduce ((op, a={r:0,"do":true}) -> 
    op[0][0 to 2] match {
        case "mul" -> do {
            var nums = flatten(op[0] scan /\d+/)
            var newR = a.r + ((nums[0] default 0) * (nums[1] default 0))
                r: if (a."do") newR else a.r,
                "do": a."do"
        case "don" -> { r: a.r, "do": false }
        else -> { r: a.r, "do": true }
) then $.r

๐Ÿ”น Day 4

Part 1

var lines = payload splitBy "\n"
var XMAS = "XMAS"
fun getLetter(x:Number,y:Number) = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (lines[x][y] default "")
fun getStr(str:String,x:Number,y:Number) = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (str[x to y])
(lines map ((lineStr, lineidx) -> 
    (lineStr splitBy "") map ((letter, letteridx) ->
        if (letter=="X") (
            // right
            (if (XMAS == getStr(lineStr,letteridx,letteridx+3)) 1 else 0)
            // left
            + (if (XMAS == getStr(lineStr,letteridx,letteridx-3)) 1 else 0)
            // down
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx+1,letteridx) ++ getLetter(lineidx+2,letteridx) ++ getLetter(lineidx+3,letteridx))) 1 else 0)
            // // up
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx-1,letteridx) ++ getLetter(lineidx-2,letteridx) ++ getLetter(lineidx-3,letteridx))) 1 else 0)
            // down-right
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx+1,letteridx+1) ++ getLetter(lineidx+2,letteridx+2) ++ getLetter(lineidx+3,letteridx+3))) 1 else 0)
            // down-left
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx+1,letteridx-1) ++ getLetter(lineidx+2,letteridx-2) ++ getLetter(lineidx+3,letteridx-3))) 1 else 0)
            // up-right
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx-1,letteridx+1) ++ getLetter(lineidx-2,letteridx+2) ++ getLetter(lineidx-3,letteridx+3))) 1 else 0)
            // up-left
            + (if (XMAS == (letter ++ getLetter(lineidx-1,letteridx-1) ++ getLetter(lineidx-2,letteridx-2) ++ getLetter(lineidx-3,letteridx-3))) 1 else 0)
        else 0
)) then sum($)

Part 2

var lines = payload splitBy "\n"
fun getLetter(x:Number,y:Number) = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (lines[x][y] default "")
var xmas = ["MAS", "SAM"]
(lines map ((lineStr, lineidx) -> 
    (lineStr splitBy "") map ((letter, letteridx) ->
        if (letter=="A") do {
            var topleft = getLetter(lineidx-1, letteridx-1)
            var topright = getLetter(lineidx-1, letteridx+1)
            var bottomleft = getLetter(lineidx+1, letteridx-1)
            var bottomright = getLetter(lineidx+1, letteridx+1)
            var cross1 = topleft ++ letter ++ bottomright
            var cross2 = topright ++ letter ++ bottomleft
            if ( (xmas contains cross1) and (xmas contains cross2) ) 1 else 0
        else 0
)) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 5

Part 1

import every from dw::core::Arrays
import substringBefore, substringAfter from dw::core::Strings
var p = payload splitBy "\n\n"
var orderingRules = p[0]
var updatesLines = p[1]splitBy "\n"
fun flatScan(a,b) = flatten(a scan b)
updatesLines map ((line, lineidx) -> do {
    var arr = (line splitBy ",")
    var isCorrect = (arr map ((num, numindex) -> 
        ((orderingRules flatScan "$(num)\|\d+|\d+\|$(num)") map (
            ((arr[numindex+1 to -1] default "") contains ($ substringBefore "|"))
            or ((if(numindex==0) "" else arr[numindex-1 to 0]) contains ($ substringAfter "|"))
        )) every (!$)
    )) every ($)
    if (isCorrect) arr[round(sizeOf(arr)/2)-1] as Number
    else 0
}) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 6

Part 1

output application/json
type Coordinates = {x:Number,y:Number}
var matrix = (payload splitBy "\n") map ($ splitBy "")
var guardPositions = ["^", "<", ">", "v"]
fun getChar(matrix:Array<Array<String>>,y:Number,x:Number):String = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (matrix[y][x] default "")
fun turnGuard(guard:String):String = guard match {
    case "^" -> ">"
    case ">" -> "v"
    case "v" -> "<"
    case "<" -> "^"
fun getInFrontCoord(guard:String,y:Number,x:Number):Coordinates = guard match {
    case "^" -> {y:y-1,x:x}
    case ">" -> {y:y,x:x+1}
    case "<" -> {y:y,x:x-1}
    case "v" -> {y:y+1,x:x}
fun getRoute(matrix:Array, coords=[]) = flatten(matrix map ((line, lineindex) -> 
    flatten(line map ((char, charindex) -> do {
        var inFrontCoords = getInFrontCoord(char, lineindex, charindex)
        var inFrontChar = getChar(matrix,inFrontCoords.y, inFrontCoords.x)
        var guardCoords:Coordinates = {x:charindex,y:lineindex}
        if (guardPositions contains char) inFrontChar match {
            case "." -> getRoute(matrix update {
                case c at [inFrontCoords.y][inFrontCoords.x] -> char
                case g at [guardCoords.y][guardCoords.x] -> "."
            }, coords + guardCoords)
            case "#" -> getRoute(matrix update {
                case g at [guardCoords.y][guardCoords.x] -> turnGuard(char)
            }, coords)
            else -> coords
        else null
sizeOf(getRoute(matrix) distinctBy $)

๐Ÿ”น Day 7

Part 1

%dw 2.0
import drop from dw::core::Arrays
import lines from dw::core::Strings
fun flatScan(a, b) = flatten(a scan b)
fun getResults(values, r=0) = do {
    var this = values[0]
    var next = values[1]
    var newValues = values drop 1
    if (isEmpty(next)) r
    else if (r==0) flatten([getResults(newValues, this+next), getResults(newValues, this*next)])
    else flatten([getResults(newValues, r+next),  getResults(newValues, r*next)])
lines(payload) map ((equation, equationIndex) -> do {
    var nums = equation flatScan /\d+/
    var result = nums[0] as Number
    var values = nums[1 to -1] map ($ as Number)
    if (getResults(values) contains result) result else 0
}) then sum($)

Part 2

%dw 2.0
import drop from dw::core::Arrays
import lines from dw::core::Strings
fun flatScan(a, b) = flatten(a scan b)
fun getResults(values, r=0) = do {
    var this = values[0]
    var next = values[1]
    var newValues = values drop 1
    if (isEmpty(next)) r
    else if (r==0) flatten([getResults(newValues, this+next), getResults(newValues, this*next), getResults(newValues, "$this$next" as Number)])
    else flatten([getResults(newValues, r+next),  getResults(newValues, r*next), getResults(newValues, "$r$next" as Number)])
lines(payload) map ((equation, equationIndex) -> do {
    var nums = equation flatScan /\d+/
    var result = nums[0] as Number
    var values = nums[1 to -1] map ($ as Number)
    if (getResults(values) contains result) result else 0
}) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 9

Part 1

import divideBy from dw::core::Arrays
var p = (payload splitBy "")
fun repeat(text: String, times: Number): Array =
    if(times <= 0) [] else (1 to times) map text
var files:Array = flatten((p divideBy 2) map ((item, index) -> 
    repeat(index, item[0]) ++ repeat(".", item[1] default 0)
var filesClean:Array = files - "."
var thisthing = (files reduce ((item, acc={ r:[], idx:-1 }) -> item match {
    case "." -> {
        r: acc.r + filesClean[acc.idx],
        idx: acc.idx - 1
    else -> {
        r: acc.r + item,
        idx: acc.idx
thisthing.r[0 to thisthing.idx] map ($*$$) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 10

Part 1

var lines = payload splitBy "\n"
fun getChar(x:Number,y:Number):String = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (lines[x][y] default "")
fun getRoutes(num:Number,numidx:Number,lineidx:Number) = do {
    var nextNum = num+1
    if (num ~= 9) [{x:numidx,y:lineidx}]
        (if (getChar(lineidx-1,numidx) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx,lineidx-1) else [])
        (if (getChar(lineidx+1,numidx) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx,lineidx+1) else [])
        (if (getChar(lineidx,numidx-1) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx-1,lineidx) else [])
        (if (getChar(lineidx,numidx+1) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx+1,lineidx) else [])
flatten(lines map ((line, lineidx) -> 
    (line splitBy "") map ((num, numidx) -> 
        num match {
            case "0" -> sizeOf(getRoutes(0,numidx,lineidx) distinctBy $)
            else -> 0
)) then sum($)

Part 2

var lines = payload splitBy "\n"
fun getChar(x:Number,y:Number):String = if ((x<0) or (y<0)) "" else (lines[x][y] default "")
fun getRoutes(num:Number,numidx:Number,lineidx:Number) = do {
    var nextNum = num+1
    if (num ~= 9) 1
        (if (getChar(lineidx-1,numidx) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx,lineidx-1) else 0)
        (if (getChar(lineidx+1,numidx) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx,lineidx+1) else 0)
        (if (getChar(lineidx,numidx-1) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx-1,lineidx) else 0)
        (if (getChar(lineidx,numidx+1) ~= nextNum) getRoutes(nextNum,numidx+1,lineidx) else 0)
flatten(lines map ((line, lineidx) -> 
    (line splitBy "") map ((num, numidx) -> 
        num match {
            case "0" -> getRoutes(0,numidx,lineidx)
            else -> 0
)) then sum($)

๐Ÿ”น Day 11

Part 1

fun removeExtraZeros(num:String):String = num as Number as String
fun blink(arr) = flatten(arr map ((num, numidx) -> 
    num match {
        case "0" -> "1"
        case n if isEven(sizeOf(n)) -> do {
            var i = sizeOf(n)/2
            [removeExtraZeros(n[0 to i-1]),removeExtraZeros(n[i to -1])]
        else -> ($ * 2024) as String
fun blinkTimes(arr,times:Number=1) = times match {
    case 0 -> arr
    else -> blink(arr) blinkTimes times-1
sizeOf((payload splitBy " ") blinkTimes 25)