Tactile Sensors' User Interface using Qt5.
Visit AB-Sens for more information about the sensors.
The source code is released under a GPL-3.0 license.
Author: Shahbaz Youssefi
Affiliation: AB-Sens
Maintainer: Alexandre Bernier, alexandre@ab-sens.com
The TactileSensorUI software has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with Qt 5.15.
You need to install Qt in order to build this project from source. I recommend installing Qt Creator with the latest version of Qt5.
You also need to install the following debian packages before trying to build this project:
sudo apt install build-essential mesa-common-dev libmgl-dev libfftw3-dev
If QtCreator looks like it doesn't launch, try installation the following library:
sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0
To build from source, first launch QtCreator and open this project's .pro file. QtCreator will ask you to setup the project. Once completed, you should be able to build the project without any errors.
To run the TactileSensorUI, simply run the project from QtCreator.
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.