The SDK supports different protocols. When instantiating, you must choose the protocol to use and fill in the different options needed to connect to Kuzzle.
use kuzzle::protocols::WebSocket;
use kuzzle::{request, Kuzzle};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut k = Kuzzle::new(WebSocket::new("localhost", None));
let request = request!({
"controller": "server",
"action": "now"
let response = k.query(&request).await?;
match response.get_result() {
Some(result) => println!("Kuzzle current Epoc timestamp: {}", &result["now"]),
None => eprintln!("No timestamp was reveived from the Kuzzle server!"),
Kuzzle is an open-source backend that includes a scalable server, a multiprotocol API, an administration console and a set of plugins that provide advanced functionalities like real-time pub/sub, blazing fast search and geofencing.
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