plinkPy takes .ped and .map files exported from Plink as input. After parsing of both files into a single object in an OOP-manner, it allows to extract part of the data and export it back into .ped and .map files as well as csv, genepop and structure formats.
When the
file is in the working directory with an empty
from plinkPy import *
The .ped .map input should display A/B alleles with 0 as the missing value.
plink_1 = plinkPy('plink_export.ped', '')
Get the individuals as well as their number:
Get the markers as well as their number:
By a list of individuals target_1
individuals_of_interest = plink_1.get_individuals(target_1)
By a list of markers target_2
markers_of_interest = plink_1.get_markers(target_2)
individuals_of_interest.export(format, 'filtered_export')
The format
can be:
- 'ped_map'
- 'csv'
- 'genepop'
- 'structure'
Export to csv, genepop and structure changes the original order of markers into an alphabetic one.
Export to genepop and structure adds an empty blank line at the end of the file.
Export to genepop misses a blank space after the comma at individual lines.
Export to structure codes missing value as 9