Provides an additional filter for Assetic: asset directory.
This filter will process your CSS and copy assets to a directory, usually in web/
By doing so, you can include CSS images and fonts from external libraries without storing dependency in a public folder.
Edit your composer.json
and add the following package as a require:
"require": {
"alexandresalome/assetic-extra-bundle": "dev-master"
Edit your app/AppKernel.php
and add the bundle to the registerBundles method:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Alex\AsseticExtraBundle\AlexAsseticExtraBundle(),
// ...
Edit your config.yml
and add a section alex_assetic_extra:
enabled: true
# Indicates where assets should be copied to
# when processing CSS files.
path: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/assets
# Not really clear yet
target: assets
Or to quickly use it:
asset_directory: true
To use it, use the filter in your {% stylesheets %}
template blocks:
{% stylesheets filter="combine,assetdirectory"
{# ... #}
{% endstylsheets %}
- Initial version