A tmux nVIDIA gpu monitor. Inspired from rainbarf.
The script will obtain and display:
GPU usage
which is averaged for multiple GPUs (left, green bars).PCIe bandwidth usage
also averaged (second from left, cyan bars).Core temperature
also averaged (third from left, red bar).RAM usage
also averaged (fourth from left, organge bars).
check how your distro packages it, or use nVidia's binaries.Node.js
installed and configured- tmux-colors which you can install with
npm install tmux-colors
Download the script in your .tmux/
mkdir .tmux/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexge233/tmux-gpu/master/gpu.js ~/.tmux/gpu.js
I use vim-airline and tmuxline, so setting it is done by doing:
vim .vimrc
and then edit it so that you load the monitor:
let g:tmuxline_preset = {
\'a' : '#S',
\'b' : '#(node .tmux/gpu.js)',
\'c' : '',
\'win' : '#W #I',
\'cwin' : '#W #I',
\'x' : '⇑ %R',
\'y' : '',
\'z' : '#H'}
- run
from within vim (this should update your tmux) - export the current look to a theme, by running
TmuxlineSnapshot ~/.tmux/theme
- finally, edit your
so that it loads your new theme:
source "~/.tmux/theme"
The script uses unicode boxes to plot the graph, thus make sure your terminal supports them. Feel free to hack into it. I have not tested it under OSX, only linux.