This repository contains code examples written for the series of articles “Unit Testing Vue.js Components with the Official Vue Testing Tools and Jest” by Alex Jover.
We assume you're already familiar with Vue.js framework and a concept of unit testing.
You might also want to have a look at the testing tools that we're going to use in this series: vue-test-utils (an official test library for Vue.js) and Jest (testing framework developed by Facebook).
To run the code from this repository and build the application use the following commands in your terminal:
# clone the repository
git clone
# change the folder
cd vue-testing-series
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# run tests once
npm t
# run tests in watch mode to monitor what breaks as you change the code
npm t -- --watch
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
For the detailed explanation of how things work, check out the Vue.js Templates guide and docs for vue-loader.
The structure of this repository follows the structure of the book, where each lesson is represented in a separate branch.
Here is the full list of lessons:
Write the first Vue.js Component Unit Test in Jest
GitHub branch
Test Deeply Rendered Vue.js Components in Jest
GitHub branch
Test Styles and Structure of Vue.js Components in Jest
GitHub branch
Test Properties and Custom Events in Vue.js Components with Jest
GitHub branch
Test Computed Properties and Watchers in Vue.js Components with Jest
GitHub branch
Test Methods and Mock Dependencies in Vue.js with Jest
GitHub branch
Test Vue.js Slots in Jest
GitHub branch
Enhance Jest configuration with Module Aliases
GitHub branch
Snapshot Testing
GitHub branch
Do you have any questions regarding these lessons? Feel free to write a comment under each of them. If you like the course, please share it on social media or with your colleagues.
You can also follow Alex Jover videos on Egghead or on twitter as @alexjoverm.