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Looker PHP SDK

API 4.0 is the current release of the Looker API. API 3.1 is deprecated. ### Authorization The classic method of API authorization uses Looker API3 credentials for authorization and access control. Looker admins can create API3 credentials on Looker's Admin/Users page. API 4.0 adds additional ways to authenticate API requests, including OAuth and CORS requests. For details, see Looker API Authorization. ### API Explorer The API Explorer is a Looker-provided utility with many new and unique features for learning and using the Looker API and SDKs. For details, see the API Explorer documentation. ### Looker Language SDKs The Looker API is a RESTful system that should be usable by any programming language capable of making HTTPS requests. SDKs for a variety of programming languages are also provided to streamline using the API. Looker has an OpenSource sdk-codegen project that provides several language SDKs. Language SDKs generated by sdk-codegen have an Authentication manager that can automatically authenticate API requests when needed. For details on available Looker SDKs, see Looker API Client SDKs. ### API Versioning Future releases of Looker expand the latest API version release-by-release to securely expose more and more of the core power of the Looker platform to API client applications. API endpoints marked as "beta" may receive breaking changes without warning (but we will try to avoid doing that). Stable (non-beta) API endpoints should not receive breaking changes in future releases. For details, see Looker API Versioning. ### In This Release API 4.0 version was introduced to make adjustments to API functions, parameters, and response types to fix bugs and inconsistencies. These changes fall outside the bounds of non-breaking additive changes we can make to the previous API 3.1. One benefit of these type adjustments in API 4.0 is dramatically better support for strongly typed languages like TypeScript, Kotlin, Swift, Go, C#, and more. See the API 4.0 GA announcement for more information about API 4.0. The API Explorer can be used to interactively compare the differences between API 3.1 and 4.0. ### API and SDK Support Policies Looker API versions and language SDKs have varying support levels. Please read the API and SDK support policies for more information.

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version:
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit

There is also an Advanced Looker PHP SDK. It adds extra functionality on top of this generated SDK for ease of use like a simplified login process, automatic access token renewal, etc.

Installation & Usage


composer require alexkart/looker-php-sdk

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

See usage examples in the examples folder. Set your API credentials in the login.php.


PHP 5.5 and later


To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AlertApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$limit = 789; // int | (Optional) Number of results to return (used with `offset`).
$offset = 789; // int | (Optional) Number of results to skip before returning any (used with `limit`).

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->alertNotifications($limit, $offset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AlertApi->alertNotifications: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:20000/api/3.1

Class Method HTTP request Description
AlertApi alertNotifications GET /alert_notifications Alert Notifications
AlertApi createAlert POST /alerts Create an alert
AlertApi deleteAlert DELETE /alerts/{alert_id} Delete an alert
AlertApi enqueueAlert POST /alerts/{alert_id}/enqueue Enqueue an alert
AlertApi followAlert POST /alerts/{alert_id}/follow Follow an alert
AlertApi getAlert GET /alerts/{alert_id} Get an alert
AlertApi readAlertNotification PATCH /alert_notifications/{alert_notification_id} Read a Notification
AlertApi searchAlerts GET /alerts/search Search Alerts
AlertApi unfollowAlert DELETE /alerts/{alert_id}/follow Unfollow an alert
AlertApi updateAlert PUT /alerts/{alert_id} Update an alert
AlertApi updateAlertField PATCH /alerts/{alert_id} Update select fields on an alert
ApiAuthApi login POST /login Login
ApiAuthApi loginUser POST /login/{user_id} Login user
ApiAuthApi logout DELETE /logout Logout
ArtifactApi artifact GET /artifact/{namespace} Get one or more artifacts
ArtifactApi artifactNamespaces GET /artifact/namespaces Get namespaces and counts
ArtifactApi artifactUsage GET /artifact/usage Artifact store usage
ArtifactApi artifactValue GET /artifact/{namespace}/value Get an artifact value
ArtifactApi deleteArtifact DELETE /artifact/{namespace} Delete one or more artifacts
ArtifactApi purgeArtifacts DELETE /artifact/{namespace}/purge Purge artifacts
ArtifactApi searchArtifacts GET /artifact/{namespace}/search Search artifacts
ArtifactApi updateArtifacts PUT /artifacts/{namespace} Create or update artifacts
AuthApi acquireEmbedCookielessSession POST /embed/cookieless_session/acquire Create Acquire cookieless embed session
AuthApi activateAppUser POST /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/users/{user_id} Activate OAuth App User
AuthApi addSupportAccessAllowlistEntries POST /support_access/allowlist Add Support Access Allowlist Users
AuthApi allOauthClientApps GET /oauth_client_apps Get All OAuth Client Apps
AuthApi allUserLoginLockouts GET /user_login_lockouts Get All User Login Lockouts
AuthApi createEmbedSecret POST /embed_config/secrets Create Embed Secret
AuthApi createEmbedUrlAsMe POST /embed/token_url/me Create Embed URL
AuthApi createOidcTestConfig POST /oidc_test_configs Create OIDC Test Configuration
AuthApi createSamlTestConfig POST /saml_test_configs Create SAML Test Configuration
AuthApi createSsoEmbedUrl POST /embed/sso_url Create SSO Embed Url
AuthApi deactivateAppUser DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/users/{user_id} Deactivate OAuth App User
AuthApi deleteEmbedCookielessSession DELETE /embed/cookieless_session/{session_reference_token} Delete cookieless embed session
AuthApi deleteEmbedSecret DELETE /embed_config/secrets/{embed_secret_id} Delete Embed Secret
AuthApi deleteOauthClientApp DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} Delete OAuth Client App
AuthApi deleteOidcTestConfig DELETE /oidc_test_configs/{test_slug} Delete OIDC Test Configuration
AuthApi deleteSamlTestConfig DELETE /saml_test_configs/{test_slug} Delete SAML Test Configuration
AuthApi deleteSupportAccessAllowlistEntry DELETE /support_access/allowlist/{entry_id} Delete Support Access Allowlist Entry
AuthApi deleteUserLoginLockout DELETE /user_login_lockout/{key} Delete User Login Lockout
AuthApi deregisterMobileDevice DELETE /mobile/device/{device_id} Deregister Mobile Device
AuthApi disableSupportAccess PUT /support_access/disable Disable Support Access
AuthApi enableSupportAccess PUT /support_access/enable Enable Support Access
AuthApi fetchAndParseSamlIdpMetadata POST /fetch_and_parse_saml_idp_metadata Parse SAML IdP Url
AuthApi forcePasswordResetAtNextLoginForAllUsers PUT /password_config/force_password_reset_at_next_login_for_all_users Force password reset
AuthApi generateTokensForCookielessSession PUT /embed/cookieless_session/generate_tokens Generate tokens for cookieless embed session
AuthApi getSupportAccessAllowlistEntries GET /support_access/allowlist Get Support Access Allowlist Users
AuthApi invalidateTokens DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/tokens Invalidate Tokens
AuthApi ldapConfig GET /ldap_config Get LDAP Configuration
AuthApi oauthClientApp GET /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} Get OAuth Client App
AuthApi oidcConfig GET /oidc_config Get OIDC Configuration
AuthApi oidcTestConfig GET /oidc_test_configs/{test_slug} Get OIDC Test Configuration
AuthApi parseSamlIdpMetadata POST /parse_saml_idp_metadata Parse SAML IdP XML
AuthApi passwordConfig GET /password_config Get Password Config
AuthApi registerMobileDevice POST /mobile/device Register Mobile Device
AuthApi registerOauthClientApp POST /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} Register OAuth App
AuthApi samlConfig GET /saml_config Get SAML Configuration
AuthApi samlTestConfig GET /saml_test_configs/{test_slug} Get SAML Test Configuration
AuthApi searchUserLoginLockouts GET /user_login_lockouts/search Search User Login Lockouts
AuthApi sessionConfig GET /session_config Get Session Config
AuthApi supportAccessStatus GET /support_access/status Support Access Status
AuthApi testLdapConfigAuth PUT /ldap_config/test_auth Test LDAP Auth
AuthApi testLdapConfigConnection PUT /ldap_config/test_connection Test LDAP Connection
AuthApi testLdapConfigUserAuth PUT /ldap_config/test_user_auth Test LDAP User Auth
AuthApi testLdapConfigUserInfo PUT /ldap_config/test_user_info Test LDAP User Info
AuthApi updateLdapConfig PATCH /ldap_config Update LDAP Configuration
AuthApi updateMobileDeviceRegistration PATCH /mobile/device/{device_id} Update Mobile Device Registration
AuthApi updateOauthClientApp PATCH /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} Update OAuth App
AuthApi updateOidcConfig PATCH /oidc_config Update OIDC Configuration
AuthApi updatePasswordConfig PATCH /password_config Update Password Config
AuthApi updateSamlConfig PATCH /saml_config Update SAML Configuration
AuthApi updateSessionConfig PATCH /session_config Update Session Config
BoardApi allBoardItems GET /board_items Get All Board Items
BoardApi allBoardSections GET /board_sections Get All Board sections
BoardApi allBoards GET /boards Get All Boards
BoardApi board GET /boards/{board_id} Get Board
BoardApi boardItem GET /board_items/{board_item_id} Get Board Item
BoardApi boardSection GET /board_sections/{board_section_id} Get Board section
BoardApi createBoard POST /boards Create Board
BoardApi createBoardItem POST /board_items Create Board Item
BoardApi createBoardSection POST /board_sections Create Board section
BoardApi deleteBoard DELETE /boards/{board_id} Delete Board
BoardApi deleteBoardItem DELETE /board_items/{board_item_id} Delete Board Item
BoardApi deleteBoardSection DELETE /board_sections/{board_section_id} Delete Board section
BoardApi searchBoards GET /boards/search Search Boards
BoardApi updateBoard PATCH /boards/{board_id} Update Board
BoardApi updateBoardItem PATCH /board_items/{board_item_id} Update Board Item
BoardApi updateBoardSection PATCH /board_sections/{board_section_id} Update Board section
ColorCollectionApi allColorCollections GET /color_collections Get all Color Collections
ColorCollectionApi colorCollection GET /color_collections/{collection_id} Get Color Collection by ID
ColorCollectionApi colorCollectionsCustom GET /color_collections/custom Get all Custom Color Collections
ColorCollectionApi colorCollectionsStandard GET /color_collections/standard Get all Standard Color Collections
ColorCollectionApi createColorCollection POST /color_collections Create ColorCollection
ColorCollectionApi defaultColorCollection GET /color_collections/default Get Default Color Collection
ColorCollectionApi deleteColorCollection DELETE /color_collections/{collection_id} Delete ColorCollection
ColorCollectionApi setDefaultColorCollection PUT /color_collections/default Set Default Color Collection
ColorCollectionApi updateColorCollection PATCH /color_collections/{collection_id} Update Custom Color collection
ConfigApi allLegacyFeatures GET /legacy_features Get All Legacy Features
ConfigApi allLocales GET /locales Get All Locales
ConfigApi allTimezones GET /timezones Get All Timezones
ConfigApi apiSpec GET /api_spec/{api_version}/{specification} Get an API specification
ConfigApi cloudStorageConfiguration GET /cloud_storage Get Cloud Storage
ConfigApi configurationForceRefresh PUT /configuration_force_refresh Force Refresh Configuration
ConfigApi createDigestEmailSend POST /digest_email_send Deliver digest email contents
ConfigApi customWelcomeEmail GET /custom_welcome_email Get Custom Welcome Email
ConfigApi digestEmailsEnabled GET /digest_emails_enabled Get Digest_emails
ConfigApi getSetting GET /setting Get Setting
ConfigApi internalHelpResources GET /internal_help_resources_enabled Get Internal Help Resources
ConfigApi internalHelpResourcesContent GET /internal_help_resources_content Get Internal Help Resources Content
ConfigApi legacyFeature GET /legacy_features/{legacy_feature_id} Get Legacy Feature
ConfigApi mobileSettings GET /mobile/settings Get Mobile_Settings
ConfigApi publicEgressIpAddresses GET /public_egress_ip_addresses Public Egress IP Addresses
ConfigApi setSetting PATCH /setting Set Setting
ConfigApi setSmtpSettings POST /smtp_settings Set SMTP Setting
ConfigApi smtpStatus GET /smtp_status Get SMTP Status
ConfigApi updateCloudStorageConfiguration PATCH /cloud_storage Update Cloud Storage
ConfigApi updateCustomWelcomeEmail PATCH /custom_welcome_email Update Custom Welcome Email Content
ConfigApi updateCustomWelcomeEmailTest PUT /custom_welcome_email_test Send a test welcome email to the currently logged in user with the supplied content
ConfigApi updateDigestEmailsEnabled PATCH /digest_emails_enabled Update Digest_emails
ConfigApi updateInternalHelpResources PATCH /internal_help_resources Update internal help resources configuration
ConfigApi updateInternalHelpResourcesContent PATCH /internal_help_resources_content Update internal help resources content
ConfigApi updateLegacyFeature PATCH /legacy_features/{legacy_feature_id} Update Legacy Feature
ConfigApi updateWhitelabelConfiguration PUT /whitelabel_configuration Update Whitelabel configuration
ConfigApi versions GET /versions Get ApiVersion
ConfigApi whitelabelConfiguration GET /whitelabel_configuration Get Whitelabel configuration
ConnectionApi allConnections GET /connections Get All Connections
ConnectionApi allDialectInfos GET /dialect_info Get All Dialect Infos
ConnectionApi allExternalOauthApplications GET /external_oauth_applications Get All External OAuth Applications
ConnectionApi allSshServers GET /ssh_servers Get All SSH Servers
ConnectionApi allSshTunnels GET /ssh_tunnels Get All SSH Tunnels
ConnectionApi connection GET /connections/{connection_name} Get Connection
ConnectionApi createConnection POST /connections Create Connection
ConnectionApi createExternalOauthApplication POST /external_oauth_applications Create External OAuth Application
ConnectionApi createOauthApplicationUserState POST /external_oauth_applications/user_state Create Create OAuth user state.
ConnectionApi createSshServer POST /ssh_servers Create SSH Server
ConnectionApi createSshTunnel POST /ssh_tunnels Create SSH Tunnel
ConnectionApi deleteConnection DELETE /connections/{connection_name} Delete Connection
ConnectionApi deleteConnectionOverride DELETE /connections/{connection_name}/connection_override/{override_context} Delete Connection Override
ConnectionApi deleteSshServer DELETE /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} Delete SSH Server
ConnectionApi deleteSshTunnel DELETE /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} Delete SSH Tunnel
ConnectionApi sshPublicKey GET /ssh_public_key Get SSH Public Key
ConnectionApi sshServer GET /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} Get SSH Server
ConnectionApi sshTunnel GET /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} Get SSH Tunnel
ConnectionApi testConnection PUT /connections/{connection_name}/test Test Connection
ConnectionApi testConnectionConfig PUT /connections/test Test Connection Configuration
ConnectionApi testSshServer GET /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id}/test Test SSH Server
ConnectionApi testSshTunnel GET /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id}/test Test SSH Tunnel
ConnectionApi updateConnection PATCH /connections/{connection_name} Update Connection
ConnectionApi updateSshServer PATCH /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} Update SSH Server
ConnectionApi updateSshTunnel PATCH /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} Update SSH Tunnel
ContentApi allContentMetadataAccesses GET /content_metadata_access Get All Content Metadata Accesses
ContentApi allContentMetadatas GET /content_metadata Get All Content Metadatas
ContentApi contentFavorite GET /content_favorite/{content_favorite_id} Get Favorite Content
ContentApi contentMetadata GET /content_metadata/{content_metadata_id} Get Content Metadata
ContentApi contentThumbnail GET /content_thumbnail/{type}/{resource_id} Get Content Thumbnail
ContentApi contentValidation GET /content_validation Validate Content
ContentApi createContentFavorite POST /content_favorite Create Favorite Content
ContentApi createContentMetadataAccess POST /content_metadata_access Create Content Metadata Access
ContentApi deleteContentFavorite DELETE /content_favorite/{content_favorite_id} Delete Favorite Content
ContentApi deleteContentMetadataAccess DELETE /content_metadata_access/{content_metadata_access_id} Delete Content Metadata Access
ContentApi searchContentFavorites GET /content_favorite/search Search Favorite Contents
ContentApi searchContentViews GET /content_view/search Search Content Views
ContentApi updateContentMetadata PATCH /content_metadata/{content_metadata_id} Update Content Metadata
ContentApi updateContentMetadataAccess PUT /content_metadata_access/{content_metadata_access_id} Update Content Metadata Access
ContentApi vectorThumbnail GET /vector_thumbnail/{type}/{resource_id} Get Vector Thumbnail
DashboardApi allDashboards GET /dashboards Get All Dashboards
DashboardApi copyDashboard POST /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/copy Copy Dashboard
DashboardApi createDashboard POST /dashboards Create Dashboard
DashboardApi createDashboardElement POST /dashboard_elements Create DashboardElement
DashboardApi createDashboardFilter POST /dashboard_filters Create Dashboard Filter
DashboardApi createDashboardFromLookml POST /dashboards/from_lookml Create Dashboard from LookML
DashboardApi createDashboardLayout POST /dashboard_layouts Create DashboardLayout
DashboardApi dashboard GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id} Get Dashboard
DashboardApi dashboardAggregateTableLookml GET /dashboards/aggregate_table_lookml/{dashboard_id} Get Aggregate Table LookML for a dashboard
DashboardApi dashboardDashboardElements GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_elements Get All DashboardElements
DashboardApi dashboardDashboardFilters GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_filters Get All Dashboard Filters
DashboardApi dashboardDashboardLayouts GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_layouts Get All DashboardLayouts
DashboardApi dashboardElement GET /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} Get DashboardElement
DashboardApi dashboardFilter GET /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} Get Dashboard Filter
DashboardApi dashboardLayout GET /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} Get DashboardLayout
DashboardApi dashboardLayoutComponent GET /dashboard_layout_components/{dashboard_layout_component_id} Get DashboardLayoutComponent
DashboardApi dashboardLayoutDashboardLayoutComponents GET /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id}/dashboard_layout_components Get All DashboardLayoutComponents
DashboardApi dashboardLookml GET /dashboards/lookml/{dashboard_id} Get lookml of a UDD
DashboardApi deleteDashboard DELETE /dashboards/{dashboard_id} Delete Dashboard
DashboardApi deleteDashboardElement DELETE /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} Delete DashboardElement
DashboardApi deleteDashboardFilter DELETE /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} Delete Dashboard Filter
DashboardApi deleteDashboardLayout DELETE /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} Delete DashboardLayout
DashboardApi importDashboardFromLookml POST /dashboards/lookml Import Dashboard from LookML
DashboardApi importLookmlDashboard POST /dashboards/{lookml_dashboard_id}/import/{space_id} Import LookML Dashboard
DashboardApi moveDashboard PATCH /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/move Move Dashboard
DashboardApi searchDashboardElements GET /dashboard_elements/search Search Dashboard Elements
DashboardApi searchDashboards GET /dashboards/search Search Dashboards
DashboardApi syncLookmlDashboard PATCH /dashboards/{lookml_dashboard_id}/sync Sync LookML Dashboard
DashboardApi updateDashboard PATCH /dashboards/{dashboard_id} Update Dashboard
DashboardApi updateDashboardElement PATCH /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} Update DashboardElement
DashboardApi updateDashboardFilter PATCH /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} Update Dashboard Filter
DashboardApi updateDashboardLayout PATCH /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} Update DashboardLayout
DashboardApi updateDashboardLayoutComponent PATCH /dashboard_layout_components/{dashboard_layout_component_id} Update DashboardLayoutComponent
DataActionApi fetchRemoteDataActionForm POST /data_actions/form Fetch Remote Data Action Form
DataActionApi performDataAction POST /data_actions Send a Data Action
DatagroupApi allDatagroups GET /datagroups Get All Datagroups
DatagroupApi datagroup GET /datagroups/{datagroup_id} Get Datagroup
DatagroupApi updateDatagroup PATCH /datagroups/{datagroup_id} Update Datagroup
DerivedTableApi checkPdtBuild GET /derived_table/{materialization_id}/status Check status of a PDT materialization
DerivedTableApi graphDerivedTablesForModel GET /derived_table/graph/model/{model} Get Derived Table graph for model
DerivedTableApi graphDerivedTablesForView GET /derived_table/graph/view/{view} Get subgraph of derived table and dependencies
DerivedTableApi startPdtBuild GET /derived_table/{model_name}/{view_name}/start Start a PDT materialization
DerivedTableApi stopPdtBuild GET /derived_table/{materialization_id}/stop Stop a PDT materialization
FolderApi allFolders GET /folders Get All Folders
FolderApi createFolder POST /folders Create Folder
FolderApi deleteFolder DELETE /folders/{folder_id} Delete Folder
FolderApi folder GET /folders/{folder_id} Get Folder
FolderApi folderAncestors GET /folders/{folder_id}/ancestors Get Folder Ancestors
FolderApi folderChildren GET /folders/{folder_id}/children Get Folder Children
FolderApi folderChildrenSearch GET /folders/{folder_id}/children/search Search Folder Children
FolderApi folderDashboards GET /folders/{folder_id}/dashboards Get Folder Dashboards
FolderApi folderLooks GET /folders/{folder_id}/looks Get Folder Looks
FolderApi folderParent GET /folders/{folder_id}/parent Get Folder Parent
FolderApi searchFolders GET /folders/search Search Folders
FolderApi updateFolder PATCH /folders/{folder_id} Update Folder
GroupApi addGroupGroup POST /groups/{group_id}/groups Add a Group to Group
GroupApi addGroupUser POST /groups/{group_id}/users Add a User to Group
GroupApi allGroupGroups GET /groups/{group_id}/groups Get All Groups in Group
GroupApi allGroupUsers GET /groups/{group_id}/users Get All Users in Group
GroupApi allGroups GET /groups Get All Groups
GroupApi createGroup POST /groups Create Group
GroupApi deleteGroup DELETE /groups/{group_id} Delete Group
GroupApi deleteGroupFromGroup DELETE /groups/{group_id}/groups/{deleting_group_id} Deletes a Group from Group
GroupApi deleteGroupUser DELETE /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} Remove a User from Group
GroupApi deleteUserAttributeGroupValue DELETE /groups/{group_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} Delete User Attribute Group Value
GroupApi group GET /groups/{group_id} Get Group
GroupApi searchGroups GET /groups/search Search Groups
GroupApi searchGroupsWithHierarchy GET /groups/search/with_hierarchy Search Groups with Hierarchy
GroupApi searchGroupsWithRoles GET /groups/search/with_roles Search Groups with Roles
GroupApi updateGroup PATCH /groups/{group_id} Update Group
GroupApi updateUserAttributeGroupValue PATCH /groups/{group_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} Set User Attribute Group Value
HomepageApi allPrimaryHomepageSections GET /primary_homepage_sections Get All Primary homepage sections
IntegrationApi acceptIntegrationHubLegalAgreement POST /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id}/accept_legal_agreement Accept Integration Hub Legal Agreement
IntegrationApi allIntegrationHubs GET /integration_hubs Get All Integration Hubs
IntegrationApi allIntegrations GET /integrations Get All Integrations
IntegrationApi createIntegrationHub POST /integration_hubs Create Integration Hub
IntegrationApi deleteIntegrationHub DELETE /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} Delete Integration Hub
IntegrationApi fetchIntegrationForm POST /integrations/{integration_id}/form Fetch Remote Integration Form
IntegrationApi integration GET /integrations/{integration_id} Get Integration
IntegrationApi integrationHub GET /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} Get Integration Hub
IntegrationApi testIntegration POST /integrations/{integration_id}/test Test integration
IntegrationApi updateIntegration PATCH /integrations/{integration_id} Update Integration
IntegrationApi updateIntegrationHub PATCH /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} Update Integration Hub
LookApi allLooks GET /looks Get All Looks
LookApi copyLook POST /looks/{look_id}/copy Copy Look
LookApi createLook POST /looks Create Look
LookApi deleteLook DELETE /looks/{look_id} Delete Look
LookApi look GET /looks/{look_id} Get Look
LookApi moveLook PATCH /looks/{look_id}/move Move Look
LookApi runLook GET /looks/{look_id}/run/{result_format} Run Look
LookApi searchLooks GET /looks/search Search Looks
LookApi updateLook PATCH /looks/{look_id} Update Look
LookmlModelApi allLookmlModels GET /lookml_models Get All LookML Models
LookmlModelApi createLookmlModel POST /lookml_models Create LookML Model
LookmlModelApi deleteLookmlModel DELETE /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} Delete LookML Model
LookmlModelApi lookmlModel GET /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} Get LookML Model
LookmlModelApi lookmlModelExplore GET /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name}/explores/{explore_name} Get LookML Model Explore
LookmlModelApi updateLookmlModel PATCH /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} Update LookML Model
MetadataApi connectionColumns GET /connections/{connection_name}/columns Get columns for a connection
MetadataApi connectionCostEstimate POST /connections/{connection_name}/cost_estimate Estimate costs for a connection
MetadataApi connectionDatabases GET /connections/{connection_name}/databases List accessible databases to this connection
MetadataApi connectionFeatures GET /connections/{connection_name}/features Metadata features supported by this connection
MetadataApi connectionSchemas GET /connections/{connection_name}/schemas Get schemas for a connection
MetadataApi connectionSearchColumns GET /connections/{connection_name}/search_columns Search a connection for columns
MetadataApi connectionTables GET /connections/{connection_name}/tables Get tables for a connection
MetadataApi getModel GET /models/{model_name} Get a single model
MetadataApi modelFieldnameSuggestions GET /models/{model_name}/views/{view_name}/fields/{field_name}/suggestions Model field name suggestions
ProjectApi allGitBranches GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branches Get All Git Branches
ProjectApi allGitConnectionTests GET /projects/{project_id}/git_connection_tests Get All Git Connection Tests
ProjectApi allLookmlTests GET /projects/{project_id}/lookml_tests Get All LookML Tests
ProjectApi allProjectFiles GET /projects/{project_id}/files Get All Project Files
ProjectApi allProjects GET /projects Get All Projects
ProjectApi createGitBranch POST /projects/{project_id}/git_branch Checkout New Git Branch
ProjectApi createGitDeployKey POST /projects/{project_id}/git/deploy_key Create Deploy Key
ProjectApi createProject POST /projects Create Project
ProjectApi deleteGitBranch DELETE /projects/{project_id}/git_branch/{branch_name} Delete a Git Branch
ProjectApi deleteRepositoryCredential DELETE /projects/{root_project_id}/credential/{credential_id} Delete Repository Credential
ProjectApi deployRefToProduction POST /projects/{project_id}/deploy_ref_to_production Deploy Remote Branch or Ref to Production
ProjectApi deployToProduction POST /projects/{project_id}/deploy_to_production Deploy To Production
ProjectApi findGitBranch GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branch/{branch_name} Find a Git Branch
ProjectApi getAllRepositoryCredentials GET /projects/{root_project_id}/credentials Get All Repository Credentials
ProjectApi gitBranch GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branch Get Active Git Branch
ProjectApi gitDeployKey GET /projects/{project_id}/git/deploy_key Git Deploy Key
ProjectApi lockAll POST /projects/{project_id}/manifest/lock_all Lock All
ProjectApi manifest GET /projects/{project_id}/manifest Get Manifest
ProjectApi project GET /projects/{project_id} Get Project
ProjectApi projectFile GET /projects/{project_id}/files/file Get Project File
ProjectApi projectValidationResults GET /projects/{project_id}/validate Cached Project Validation Results
ProjectApi projectWorkspace GET /projects/{project_id}/current_workspace Get Project Workspace
ProjectApi resetProjectToProduction POST /projects/{project_id}/reset_to_production Reset To Production
ProjectApi resetProjectToRemote POST /projects/{project_id}/reset_to_remote Reset To Remote
ProjectApi runGitConnectionTest GET /projects/{project_id}/git_connection_tests/{test_id} Run Git Connection Test
ProjectApi runLookmlTest GET /projects/{project_id}/lookml_tests/run Run LookML Test
ProjectApi tagRef POST /projects/{project_id}/tag Tag Ref
ProjectApi updateGitBranch PUT /projects/{project_id}/git_branch Update Project Git Branch
ProjectApi updateProject PATCH /projects/{project_id} Update Project
ProjectApi updateRepositoryCredential PUT /projects/{root_project_id}/credential/{credential_id} Create Repository Credential
ProjectApi validateProject POST /projects/{project_id}/validate Validate Project
QueryApi allRunningQueries GET /running_queries Get All Running Queries
QueryApi createMergeQuery POST /merge_queries Create Merge Query
QueryApi createQuery POST /queries Create Query
QueryApi createQueryTask POST /query_tasks Run Query Async
QueryApi createSqlQuery POST /sql_queries Create SQL Runner Query
QueryApi killQuery DELETE /running_queries/{query_task_id} Kill Running Query
QueryApi mergeQuery GET /merge_queries/{merge_query_id} Get Merge Query
QueryApi query GET /queries/{query_id} Get Query
QueryApi queryForSlug GET /queries/slug/{slug} Get Query for Slug
QueryApi queryTask GET /query_tasks/{query_task_id} Get Async Query Info
QueryApi queryTaskMultiResults GET /query_tasks/multi_results Get Multiple Async Query Results
QueryApi queryTaskResults GET /query_tasks/{query_task_id}/results Get Async Query Results
QueryApi runInlineQuery POST /queries/run/{result_format} Run Inline Query
QueryApi runQuery GET /queries/{query_id}/run/{result_format} Run Query
QueryApi runSqlQuery POST /sql_queries/{slug}/run/{result_format} Run SQL Runner Query
QueryApi runUrlEncodedQuery GET /queries/models/{model_name}/views/{view_name}/run/{result_format} Run Url Encoded Query
QueryApi sqlQuery GET /sql_queries/{slug} Get SQL Runner Query
RenderTaskApi createDashboardElementRenderTask POST /render_tasks/dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id}/{result_format} Create Dashboard Element Render Task
RenderTaskApi createDashboardRenderTask POST /render_tasks/dashboards/{dashboard_id}/{result_format} Create Dashboard Render Task
RenderTaskApi createLookRenderTask POST /render_tasks/looks/{look_id}/{result_format} Create Look Render Task
RenderTaskApi createQueryRenderTask POST /render_tasks/queries/{query_id}/{result_format} Create Query Render Task
RenderTaskApi renderTask GET /render_tasks/{render_task_id} Get Render Task
RenderTaskApi renderTaskResults GET /render_tasks/{render_task_id}/results Render Task Results
RoleApi allModelSets GET /model_sets Get All Model Sets
RoleApi allPermissionSets GET /permission_sets Get All Permission Sets
RoleApi allPermissions GET /permissions Get All Permissions
RoleApi allRoles GET /roles Get All Roles
RoleApi createModelSet POST /model_sets Create Model Set
RoleApi createPermissionSet POST /permission_sets Create Permission Set
RoleApi createRole POST /roles Create Role
RoleApi deleteModelSet DELETE /model_sets/{model_set_id} Delete Model Set
RoleApi deletePermissionSet DELETE /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} Delete Permission Set
RoleApi deleteRole DELETE /roles/{role_id} Delete Role
RoleApi modelSet GET /model_sets/{model_set_id} Get Model Set
RoleApi permissionSet GET /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} Get Permission Set
RoleApi role GET /roles/{role_id} Get Role
RoleApi roleGroups GET /roles/{role_id}/groups Get Role Groups
RoleApi roleUsers GET /roles/{role_id}/users Get Role Users
RoleApi searchModelSets GET /model_sets/search Search Model Sets
RoleApi searchPermissionSets GET /permission_sets/search Search Permission Sets
RoleApi searchRoles GET /roles/search Search Roles
RoleApi searchRolesWithUserCount GET /roles/search/with_user_count Search Roles with User Count
RoleApi setRoleGroups PUT /roles/{role_id}/groups Update Role Groups
RoleApi setRoleUsers PUT /roles/{role_id}/users Update Role Users
RoleApi updateModelSet PATCH /model_sets/{model_set_id} Update Model Set
RoleApi updatePermissionSet PATCH /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} Update Permission Set
RoleApi updateRole PATCH /roles/{role_id} Update Role
ScheduledPlanApi allScheduledPlans GET /scheduled_plans Get All Scheduled Plans
ScheduledPlanApi createScheduledPlan POST /scheduled_plans Create Scheduled Plan
ScheduledPlanApi deleteScheduledPlan DELETE /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} Delete Scheduled Plan
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlan GET /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} Get Scheduled Plan
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlanRunOnce POST /scheduled_plans/run_once Run Scheduled Plan Once
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlanRunOnceById POST /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id}/run_once Run Scheduled Plan Once by Id
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlansForDashboard GET /scheduled_plans/dashboard/{dashboard_id} Scheduled Plans for Dashboard
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlansForLook GET /scheduled_plans/look/{look_id} Scheduled Plans for Look
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlansForLookmlDashboard GET /scheduled_plans/lookml_dashboard/{lookml_dashboard_id} Scheduled Plans for LookML Dashboard
ScheduledPlanApi scheduledPlansForSpace GET /scheduled_plans/space/{space_id} Scheduled Plans for Space
ScheduledPlanApi updateScheduledPlan PATCH /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} Update Scheduled Plan
SessionApi session GET /session Get Auth
SessionApi updateSession PATCH /session Update Auth
ThemeApi activeThemes GET /themes/active Get Active Themes
ThemeApi allThemes GET /themes Get All Themes
ThemeApi createTheme POST /themes Create Theme
ThemeApi defaultTheme GET /themes/default Get Default Theme
ThemeApi deleteTheme DELETE /themes/{theme_id} Delete Theme
ThemeApi searchThemes GET /themes/search Search Themes
ThemeApi setDefaultTheme PUT /themes/default Set Default Theme
ThemeApi theme GET /themes/{theme_id} Get Theme
ThemeApi themeOrDefault GET /themes/theme_or_default Get Theme or Default
ThemeApi updateTheme PATCH /themes/{theme_id} Update Theme
ThemeApi validateTheme POST /themes/validate Validate Theme
UserApi allUserCredentialsApi3s GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3 Get All API 3 Credentials
UserApi allUserCredentialsEmbeds GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed Get All Embedding Credentials
UserApi allUserSessions GET /users/{user_id}/sessions Get All Web Login Sessions
UserApi allUsers GET /users Get All Users
UserApi createEmbedUser POST /users/embed_user Create an embed user from an external user ID
UserApi createUser POST /users Create User
UserApi createUserCredentialsApi3 POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3 Create API 3 Credential
UserApi createUserCredentialsEmail POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email Create Email/Password Credential
UserApi createUserCredentialsEmailPasswordReset POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email/password_reset Create Password Reset Token
UserApi createUserCredentialsTotp POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp Create Two-Factor Credential
UserApi deleteUser DELETE /users/{user_id} Delete User
UserApi deleteUserAttributeUserValue DELETE /users/{user_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} Delete User Attribute User Value
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsApi3 DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3/{credentials_api3_id} Delete API 3 Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsEmail DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_email Delete Email/Password Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsEmbed DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed/{credentials_embed_id} Delete Embedding Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsGoogle DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_google Delete Google Auth Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsLdap DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_ldap Delete LDAP Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsLookerOpenid DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_looker_openid Delete Looker OpenId Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsOidc DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_oidc Delete OIDC Auth Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsSaml DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_saml Delete Saml Auth Credential
UserApi deleteUserCredentialsTotp DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp Delete Two-Factor Credential
UserApi deleteUserSession DELETE /users/{user_id}/sessions/{session_id} Delete Web Login Session
UserApi me GET /user Get Current User
UserApi searchCredentialsEmail GET /credentials_email/search Search CredentialsEmail
UserApi searchUsers GET /users/search Search Users
UserApi searchUsersNames GET /users/search/names/{pattern} Search User Names
UserApi sendUserCredentialsEmailPasswordReset POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email/send_password_reset Send Password Reset Token
UserApi setUserAttributeUserValue PATCH /users/{user_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} Set User Attribute User Value
UserApi setUserRoles PUT /users/{user_id}/roles Set User Roles
UserApi updateUser PATCH /users/{user_id} Update User
UserApi updateUserCredentialsEmail PATCH /users/{user_id}/credentials_email Update Email/Password Credential
UserApi user GET /users/{user_id} Get User by Id
UserApi userAttributeUserValues GET /users/{user_id}/attribute_values Get User Attribute Values
UserApi userCredentialsApi3 GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3/{credentials_api3_id} Get API 3 Credential
UserApi userCredentialsEmail GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_email Get Email/Password Credential
UserApi userCredentialsEmbed GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed/{credentials_embed_id} Get Embedding Credential
UserApi userCredentialsGoogle GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_google Get Google Auth Credential
UserApi userCredentialsLdap GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_ldap Get LDAP Credential
UserApi userCredentialsLookerOpenid GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_looker_openid Get Looker OpenId Credential
UserApi userCredentialsOidc GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_oidc Get OIDC Auth Credential
UserApi userCredentialsSaml GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_saml Get Saml Auth Credential
UserApi userCredentialsTotp GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp Get Two-Factor Credential
UserApi userForCredential GET /users/credential/{credential_type}/{credential_id} Get User by Credential Id
UserApi userRoles GET /users/{user_id}/roles Get User Roles
UserApi userSession GET /users/{user_id}/sessions/{session_id} Get Web Login Session
UserApi wipeoutUserEmails POST /users/{user_id}/update_emails Wipeout User Emails
UserAttributeApi allUserAttributeGroupValues GET /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id}/group_values Get User Attribute Group Values
UserAttributeApi allUserAttributes GET /user_attributes Get All User Attributes
UserAttributeApi createUserAttribute POST /user_attributes Create User Attribute
UserAttributeApi deleteUserAttribute DELETE /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} Delete User Attribute
UserAttributeApi setUserAttributeGroupValues POST /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id}/group_values Set User Attribute Group Values
UserAttributeApi updateUserAttribute PATCH /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} Update User Attribute
UserAttributeApi userAttribute GET /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} Get User Attribute
WorkspaceApi allWorkspaces GET /workspaces Get All Workspaces
WorkspaceApi workspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_id} Get Workspace

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.



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