This library is distributed under LGPL v.3 license. Don't be afraid, you can use headers with template classes/functions in your proprietary software if you don't modify them.
Using physical magnitudes values given with uncertainties. Arithmetical operations with them (uncertainties are calculated as well)
Standard deviation, weighted average and covariance matrices calculations
Numeric integrating of function using Sympson folmula. Convolution integral calculation. Integrating function given as table data using trapeze method
Linear interpolation
Generating random values with different distributions. Even ones given by table of density function.
Vectors and matrices with arbitrary dimensions count. Vectors can be rotated and represented in polar coordinates.
Lorentz vectors and relativistic kinematics facilities.
Determinant calculation and solving systems of linear equations using Cramer's method
Histograms, arithmetic operations with them.
Plotting data with gnuplot
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git submodule add
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Then commit your changes.
Typical patterns of using the template classes and functions from this library can be learnt from:
Unit tests (are instead of documentation)
Exception - template class for exceptions that are thrown by objects in this library
IFunction - template class providing a function-like interface with operator()
FunctionWrap - inherits IFunction and provides template constructor for all function-like objects
Opr - template class providing mathematical operators acting on functions. Applying an operator is provided via * operator
PI,E - template functions returning pi and e numbers
Gaussian, Lorentzian, BreitWigner, Novosibirsk - peak shaped functions often used in physical calculations
FermiFunc - slope function often used in physical calculations
Polynom - two template functions for calculating polinomials
Vector<x> - template class that represents fixed but arbitrary sized vector. Supports adding subtracting, multiplying by a number. Also supports scalar(*) multiplication. Axial-vector or pseudoscalar multiplication (^) are declared in math_h/vectortransformations.h
vec(...) - create vector by coordinates
zero() - 2d zero vector.
x(),y() - 2d basis vectors
Zero() - 3d zero vector
X(),Y(),Z() - 3d basis vector
Matrix<y,x> - template class that represents fixed but arbitrary sized matrix. Supports adding subtracting matrices with the same size, multiplying by a number. Supports matrix multiplication, determinant calculation and solving system of linear equation using Cramer method.
rows(...) - create matrix from several vectors concidering them as rows
columns(...) - create matrix from several vectors concidering them as columns
Direction - template class representing vectors direction (phi and theta angles). Supports converting to vector (Direction*length = vector)
Sampling - template class that calculates covariances for a sample of vectors
SamplingXY - the same but conciders a sample of vector pairs
value<type> - template class representing a value with uncertainty. Supports arithmetic operations.
std_error(...) - creates value N with uncertainty of sqrt(N)
func_with_uncertainty(...) - applies function to value with uncertainty
StandardDeviation - class that is used for calculation of average and standard deviation. use operator<< to input single measurements.
WeightedAverage - weighted average calculator. Use operator<< to input single measurements.
abstract_value_with_uncertainty_numeric - abstract class representing value with uncertainty that has some distribution that can be different from normal. Also can be used for adding magnitudes that have dependent uncertainties.
value_numeric_const - inherits abstract_value_with_uncertainty_numeric and implements constant value
value_numeric_distr - inherits abstract_value_with_uncertainty_numeric and implements uncertainty with some distribution (template parameter)
value_numeric(...) - converts value into value_numeric_distr with normal distribution
SQRT, SQR, EXP, LOG, SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, ATAN2, POW, operator+, operator-, operator*, operator/ - arithmetic actions over such values with uncertainties
FUNC(...) - applying a function to values with uncertainties.
LorentzVector - template class that represents energy-momenta lorentz 4-vectors. Arithmetical actions of adding and subtracting are supported. Lorentz transformation is implemented as well.
lorentz_Rest - creates lorentz vector of particle in rest by it's mass
lorentz_byPM - creates lorents vector my momentum and mass
lorentz_byEM - by full energy and mass
lorentz_byEkM - by kinetic energy and mass
binaryDecay - simulates decay of compound system into two parts
SortedChain - template class providing vector-like interface to a sorted set of values of any type that can be compared. Operator << provides element adding and it's inserted in proper place immediately.
ChainWithStep, ChainWithCount - functions that generate chains of values uniformly filling the given range
BinsByStep, BinsByCount - generate chains of values with uncertainties filling the given range
point - template class representing data point with x and y-values
point3d - template class representing data point with x,y and z-values
SortedPoints - template class inheriting SortedChain that is used to represent data points and histograms. Supports arithmetic operations
BiSortedPoints - template class that is used to represent 3-d data points (2-d historgams)
hist<x,y> - shortcut for SortedPoints<value<x>,value<y>>
hist_avr(...) - calculates wieghted average for several histograms
Distribution1D, Distribution2D - template classes that are used for remembering distribution of a magnitude. Fill(...) method is used for adding a single value to the distribution. Then is can be operated as a histogram.
Uncertainties - template class representing value with several uncertainties (for example statistical and systematic uncertainties) that are independent. Supports arithmetic actions.
uncertainties(...) - creates value with several uncertainties
extend_value<i,n>(...) - converts value<> into Uncertainties<n> using value's uncertainty as i-th one. All others are set to zero.
ext_hist<n> - is like hist<> but y-values are Uncertainties<n>
extend_hist<i,n>(...) - convert hist<> to ext_hist<n>
wrap_hist(...) - convert ext_hist<n> to hist<> (total uncertainties are calculated)
LinearInterpolation - inherits SortedPoints and provides function-like interface to linear interpolation algorithm
BiLinearInterpolation - inherits BiSortedPoints and provides bilinear interpolation
Sympson - function that performs numeric integrating with Sympson formula. Argument function is given like an std::function or IFunction
Int_Trapez_Table - integrates using trapez formula. Argument function is given as a table data (for example SortedPoints)
Convolution - template class that calculates convolution integral and provides function-like interface
RandomUniform - random number generator implementing uniform distribution
RandomGauss - random number generator implementing Gaussian distribution
RandomValueTableDistr - generator implementing distribution given by a table of density values (SortedPoints)
Poisson() - creates generator implementing Poisson distribution
num_der1 - template function creatincg numerically differentiating operator
num_der2 - template function creatincg numerically differentiating operator of the second order
num_Pder1 - template function for partial derivative operator
nabla - template function for vector of partial derivative operators that is suitable for calculating gradient of scalar function and divergence/rotor if you have vector field represented as Vector of functions