- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with autofs
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
Installs and configures autofs which provides automount functionality.
Installs and configures autofs which provides automount functionality.
- Package autofs, and corresponding configs will be managed by Puppet - overwriting any local files
Requires puppetlabs-stdlib and puppetlabs-concat modules
Basic installation:
class { 'autofs': }
Example usage for automounting home folders:
class { 'autofs':
mounts => {
'home' => {
remote => 'nfs.com:/export/home',
mountpoint => '/home',
options => '-hard,rw',
'net' => {
remote => 'nfs:/folder',
mountpoint => '/remote/folder',
options => '-soft,ro',
'misc' => {
remote => ':/dev/sdb1',
mountpoint => '/misc/usb',
options => '-fstype=auto,rw',
Using the autofs::mount directly:
autofs::mount { 'home':
remote => 'nfs.com:/export/home',
mountpoint => '/home',
options => '-hard,rw',
Supplying a custom automount file:
class { 'autofs':
mount_files => {
'home' => {
mountpoint => '/home',
file_source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/auto.home',
'net' => {
mountpoint => '/remote',
file_source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/auto.net',
Using autofs::mountfile directly
autofs::mountfile { 'homefile':
mountpoint => '/home',
file_source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/auto.home',
To set e.g. --timeout option in auto.master, you need to manually configure the auto.master entry using the mount_entries param like so:
class { 'autofs':
mount_entries => {
'/etc/auto._misc' => { # Resource name match generated name in Mount['misc']
mountpoint => '/misc',
mountfile => '/etc/auto._misc', # Matched to auto generated name in Mount['misc']
options => '--timeout=300',
mounts => {
'misc' => {
remote => 'nfs:/export/misc/stuff',
mountpoint => '/misc/stuff',
options => '--timeout=300',
To set the filename of the generated mapfile, set the $mapname
This will set the filename to /etc/auto.${mapname}
class { 'autofs':
mount_entries => {
'/etc/auto.glusterfs' => { # Matched to mapname for Mount['glusterfs']
mountpoint => '/misc',
mountfile => '/etc/auto.glusterfs', # Matched to mapname for Mount['glusterfs']
options => '--timeout=300',
mounts => {
'glusterfs' => {
mapname => 'glusterfs',
remote => 'glusters:/gv0',
mountpoint => '/mnt/gv0',
options => '-fstype=glusterfs',
If you're using hiera:
remote: 'nfs:/export/misc/stuff'
mountpoint: '/misc/stuff'
options: '-hard,rw'
mountpoint: '/misc'
mountfile: '/etc/auto._misc'
options: '--timeout=300'