This feature enable a Patient to book an appointment with a Physician and Vice Versa.
- CRUD completed for the appointments table. Can create, read, update, and delete records in the table through views.
- validation of date and time requested for an appointment
- Adding of Admin , Patient and Physician privileges
- Styling of the pages
- form validation
- Assign a user role to users through the user registeration form as well as firstname, lastname and username.
- Allow logged in users to view their profile
- pagination for the list of appointments.
- seed roles table with "Admin", "Patient", and "Physician" roles
- refine list of appointments.
- use the javascript libary flatpickr to select date and time requested for an appointment.
- Users Can see all FAQ and Category data that is retrieved from the database. - User will not be able to Create, Update or Delete. They can only view the information.
- Users Are able to search for data that matches the input by FAQ Question or FAQ Answer.
- Admin Can see all FAQ and Category data that is retrieved from the database.
- Admins Are able to search for data that matches the input by FAQ Question or FAQ Answer.
- Admin Can Add new data into the database for FAQ and Category.
- Admin Can Edit new data into the database.
- When Adding or Editing FAQ data, the Admin has to select a given Category that is retrieved from the database.
- All FAQs are associated with a certain Category - Seen through a foreign key assigned in the FAQ table that links to a specific Category Id.
- Admin Can View the details about the specific data.
- Admin Can Delete data from the database.
- Validation is managed for all inputs with JS.
- Styling added.
- Users Can Add new data into the database for Donation and Event.
- Donation date is self inputed with the recent date upon submiting.
- Users Can see all the events they made a donation to.
- Admin Can see all the data that is retrieved from the database (except users card information).
- Admin Can Edit new data into the database.
- When Adding or Editing Donation data, the Admin has the option to select a given Event that is retrieved from the database. - This is only done when a user confirms they've made a mistake on one of the inputs.
- All Donations are associated with a certain Event - Seen through a foreign key assigned in the Donation table that links to a specific Event Id.
- Admin Can Delete data from the database.
- Admin Can View the details about the specific data.
- Validation is managed for all inputs with JS.
- Styling added.
Redesigned the footer and header with styling CSS.
Redesigned the Index page with styling CSS
Jorney Gault - Assisted retrieving the database.
- Can see all the data that is retrieved from the database.
- Basic Crud
- Image upload
- User Id functioning as forign key
- Styling
- Razor Validation
- Admin Only for create,update and delete
- Different layout for admins and users
- Can see all the data that is retrieved from the database.
- Basic Crud
- Image upload
- User Id functioning as forign key
- Sponsers forign key (one to many)
- styling
- Razor Validation
- Admin Only for create,update and delete
- Different layout for admins and users
-Sandra Kupfer: Assisted debugging of my image upload feature for 30 min -Sandra Kupfer: Assisted debugging one to many relationship for 15 min -Frank-Yves Cheuzem: Assisted Debugging Foring Key one to many relationship 30 min
- Users can create on the Ticket table
- Users can read on the Ticket table
- Users can update on the Ticket table
- Users can delete on the Ticket table
- Pages are styled and responsive
- Code is commented
- Different Priviledges for admins and users for Tickets
- Admins can create a job post
- Admins can read a job post
- Admins can update a job post
- Admins can delete a job post
- Department ID as foreign key
- Style the page
- Admins can create a department
- Admins can read department details
- Admins can update department details
- Admins can delete a department
- Style the page
- User can see reviews
- User can create a review
- Admin can update review
- Admin can delete a review
- Pagination
- Admin can see all bills
- Admin can Create Bills
- Admin can Update Bills
- Admin can Delete Bills
- Pagination
- [] Connect to User Table both Review + Bill Feature
- [] Overhaul LIST + BILL views, make it prettier!
NOTE: Journey helped get inital migration working for my features.