A javscript sdk to resolve .algo names and perform name operations on ANS .algo names.
Install Package
npm i @algonameservice/sdk
yarn add @algonameservice/sdk
import { ANS } from '@algonameservice/sdk'
const { ANS } = require('@algonameservice/sdk/dist/index.cjs').default
//Example setup of client and indexer
const client = new algosdk.Algodv2({'X-API-KEY': 'xGdsgkThisDoesntWorka32sasfd'},
const indexer = new algosdk.Indexer({'X-API-KEY': 'xGdsgkThisDoesntWorksa32sasfd'},
//indexer and client must point to mainnet
const sdk = new ANS(client, indexer)
Resolve .algo name to get the address of the owner.
let nameOwner = await sdk.name("ans.algo").getOwner()
else {
//Name is not registered yet
Resolve .algo name to get the address of the owner.
let text = await sdk.name("ans.algo").getText("discord")
if(text) {
console.log(text) //Discord handle if it is set
This method gets all the names owned by an Algorand address in reverse chronological order of registration.
const options = {
socials: false, // get socials with .algo name
metadata: false, // // get metadata like expiry, avatar with .algo name;
limit: 1 // number of names to be retrieved
let names = await sdk.address(address).getNames(options)
// Returns an array of names owned by the address
// Names appear in a reverse chronological order (names[0] returns recently purchased name)
if(names.length > 0){
for (let index in names){
else {
//No names registered by this address
This method returns the transactions to be signed to register a .algo name.
let nameToRegister = ''; // .algo name to register
let address = ''; // owner's algorand wallet address
let period = 0; // duration of registration
let nameRegistrationTxns = await sdk.name(nameToRegister).register(address, period);
if(nameRegistrationTxns.txns.length === 2) {
// Lsig account previous opted in (name expired)
// Sign both transactions
// Send all to network
} else if(nameRegistrationTxns.txns.length === 4) {
// nameRegistrationsTxns.txns[2] is signed by the sdk
// Sign nameRegistrationTxns.txns index 0,1,3
// Submit transactions as a group
const signedGroupTxns = [];
const txns = [signedGroupTxns[0], signedGroupTxns[1], nameRegistrationTxns.optinTxn, signedGroupTxns[2]];
// Send to network
} catch (err) {
This method returns transactions to set the social media handles of a domain name
let name = '' // .algo name
let address = '' // owner's algorand wallet address
// Social handles to be edited here
let editedHandles = {
discord: '',
github: ''
const updateNamePropertyTxns = await sdk.name(name).update(address, editedHandles);
// Returns an array of transactions
// Sign each and send to network
} catch (err) {
Retrieve transactions to renew a name. The ANS registry currently supports renewal only by the owner hence the transactions will fail if the input address is not the current owner of the name.
let name = '' // .algo name to renew
let owner = '' // owner address
let period = 0 // period for renewal
const nameRenewalTxns = await sdk.name(name).renew(owner, period);
// Returns an array of transactions
// Sign each and send to network
} catch (err) {
This method returns a transaction to initiate name transfer. The owner is required to set the price for transfer and the recipient's algorand account address.
let name = '' // .algo name to initiate transfer
let owner = '' // current owner
let newOwner = '' // new owner's address
let price = 0 // price at which the seller is willing to sell this name
const nameTransferTransaction = await sdk.name(name).initTransfer(owner, newOwner, price);
// Returns a transaction to be signed by `owner`
// Sign and send to network
} catch (err) {
Retrieve the transactions to complete the transfer by providing the current owner's address, the transfer recipient's address, and the price set by the owner
let name = '' // .algo name to accept transfer
let owner = '' // current owner
let newOwner = '' // new owner's address
let price = 0 // price set in the previous transaction
const acceptNameTransferTxns = await sdk.name(name).acceptTransfer(newOwner, owner, price);
// Returns an array of transactions to be signed by `newOwner`
// Sign each and send to network
} catch (err) {