This repository is copied from opencredo/k8s-terraform-ansible-sample, but it didn't consider kubespray.
Also, This repository will create 3 workers, 3 master, and 3 etcd Kubernetes cluster by default. You can adjust the number of each node by changing below Variables.
All steps will be conducted under Docker container for beginners.
# docker run -it --name terraform-aws-kube -h terraform-aws-kube ubuntu:16.04
Install required packages.
$ apt update && apt install git python python-pip unzip wget vim -y && \ git clone && \ cd aws-terraform-kubernetes/terraform
Download terraform binary.
$ wget && \ unzip && \ rm && \ mv terraform /usr/bin && chmod +x /usr/bin/terraform
Export your own AWS Access / Secret keys
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your Access Key in AWS> $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your Access Key in Secret>
Initialize terraform and generate your SSH key pair for aws_key_pair
$ terraform init && ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ../keys/tf-kube
Adjust the number of
, andmaster
nodes using Step 2 as shown below. -
Create all objects in AWS. It will trigger to create VPC, Subnet, EC2 instances, etc.
$ terraform apply
You can change configuration of file
, such as the number of each node.
- number_of_controller : The number of master nodes that act only as a master role.
- number_of_etcd : The number of etcd nodes that act only as a etcd role.
- number_of_controller_etcd : The number of nodes that run etcd and master at the same time.
- number_of_worker : The number of workers.
It is recommended that the number of [etcd + controller_etcd], [controller + controller_etcd] to be odd. For example, below setting is desirable and can be converted into inventory as shown below. Note that below inventory and setting is just example, not really written configuration.
number_of_controller = 2
number_of_etcd = 2
number_of_controller_etcd = 1
.. is same to
Instnace-A # (1st master)
Instnace-B # (2nd master)
Instnace-C # (3rd master) (1st etcd)
Instnace-C # (3rd master) (1st etcd)
Instnace-D # (2nd etcd)
Instnace-E # (3rd etcd)
Above example is just example. In groups, instances are represented as group
, such as _controller
. These groups are filtered by inventory_aws_ec2.yml using filters
. If you want to change filters to choose instance correctly (e.g. because of change of Owner tag, or change of region, default to ap-northeast-2), edit inventory_aws_ec2.yml file.
[Optional] if you want to change ClusterID, set cluster_id_tag
to another value, not alice
First of all, edit inventory_aws_ec2.yml
file to match your own configurations, e.g. region and other tags.
In ansible directory, install all dependencies package.
$ cd ../ansible && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install python related modules using raw ansible module to all EC2 instances.
$ ansible-playbook --private-key ../keys/tf-kube infra.yaml
To check whether it works, use below ansible ping module
$ ansible --private-key ../keys/tf-kube -m ping all
Download kubespray. You can adjust proper version, but I used v2.18.1 kubespray :D
$ wget && \ unzip && rm
Warning! Variables of Kubespray (ansible/hosts/group_vars/) is copied from v2.18.1. If you want to use another version of kubespray, you have to remove ansible/hosts/group_vars directory and copy sample variables directory from specific kubespray version. It is usally located in kubespray-x.x.x/inventory/sample/group_vars.
Install Kubernetes. Thats all.
$ ansible-playbook -b --private-key \ ../keys/tf-kube kubespray-2.18.1/cluster.yml
SSH to your master instance, and get nodes.
root@aws-kube:/aws-terraform-kubernetes/ansible# ssh -i ../keys/tf-kube ubuntu@<Master IP>
Last login: Mon Mar 25 10:03:32 2019 from
ubuntu@ip-10-43-0-40:~$ sudo su
root@ip-10-43-0-40:/home/ubuntu# kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 4m13s v1.22.8 Ready control-plane,master 5m34s v1.22.8 Ready <none> 4m12s v1.22.8 Ready control-plane,master 6m1s v1.22.8 Ready control-plane,master 5m22s v1.22.8 Ready <none> 4m13s v1.22.8
In terraform directory, use below command. It will destroy all objects, including EC2 Instances
$ terraform destroy
- It assumes that master acts as an etcd node. It should be modified to separate etcd and master role.(solved)
- Health check of master node is impossible using https:6443 in ELB. (It is recommended to use another proxy such as nginx in Master Node for healthcheck. Health check proxy should be deployed by yourself :D)
- Node IP range is limited beacuse node IP is allocated between VPC CIDR + 10, 20, 30... etc. It should be changed if you want to use in production environment.