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Laravel Moamalat Pay

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This package allows you to easily use Moamalat ligthbox to add payment gateway in your laravel project.

NOTE This is not official library from Moamalat , It is just an open source Library.

Table of contents


You can install the package via composer:

composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay

Laravel Version Compatibility

Laravel Package install command
11.x.x 5.x composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^5.0"
10.x.x 4.x composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^4.0"
9.x.x 3.x composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^3.0"
8.x.x 2.x composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^2.0"
^7.25.0 1.x composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^1.0"

If you want to customize configurations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="moamalat-pay"

Configuration File

The configuration file moamalat-pay.php is located in the config folder. Following are its contents when published:

return [
	| Moamalat Payment Gateway Config
	| These options to set your configurations of muamalat

	// MID => merchant_id or outlet_number
	'merchant_id' => env('MOAMALATPAY_MID'),

	// TID => terminal_id
	'terminal_id' => env('MOAMALATPAY_TID'),

	// Secure key
	'key' => env('MOAMALATPAY_KEY'),

	| Production
	| If the production is set to "true", you will work on production environment
	| otherwise it will use testing environment
	'production' => env('MOAMALATPAY_PRODUCTION', false),

	| Show
	| If the show_logs is set to "true", you will see configurations
	| and response of requests in browser console
	'show_logs' => false,

    | Enable Cancel Event On Success
    | If the enable_cancel_event_on_success is set to "true", the cancel event will be triggered even if the payment is successful
    'enable_cancel_event_on_success' => true,

	| Generate Secure Hash api
	| This is service (api) to generate secureHash to be used in pay in Lightbox.
	| url is route of api of generate secureHash
	| route_name is name of route of api of generate secureHash
	'generate-securekey' => [
	'url' =>  'moamalat-pay/securekey',
	'route_name' =>  'moamalat_pay.generate_securekey',

	| Notification (Webhook) api
	| This is service from moamalat on any transaction you will receive notification
	| on api (webhook)
	| key is your private notification key to use it in validate transaction requests
	| url is route to receive notification
	| table is name of table that will be used to save notifications
	| allowed_ips are ips that will receive notification from them
	| ['*'] means receive from any ip but it is not secure to receive notifcations from anyone
	| you should ask moamalat on ips of their servers and use them
	'notification' => [
	'url' =>  'moamalat-pay/notify',
	'route_name' =>  'moamalat_pay.notification',
	'table' => 'moamalat_pay_notifications',
	'allowed_ips' => ['*'],

set your configurations in .env file:


Configuration for testing purpose


Merchant id	: 10081014649
Terminal Id	: 99179395
Secure key	: 39636630633731362D663963322D346362642D386531662D633963303432353936373431


Card : 6394993077260781
EXP  : 12/24
OTP  : 111111


Laravel componet

// Initialize pay
<x-moamalat-pay />

// when pass amount property, it will show pay form directly
<x-moamalat-pay amount="1000" />

Laravel methods

To call it using methods

// Initialize pay

// call pay
// $amount int libyan dirham not dinar
//$reference is optional
app('moamalat-pay')->pay(int $amount,string $reference = '');

Front end Javascript

To call pay from js amount,string reference = '')

Check processing status

Available events to check if operation success or fail

addEventListener("moamalatCompleted", function (e) {
  e.detail; // response data
  /* e.detail
	    "TxnDate": "220822141359",
	    "SystemReference": "1233114",
	    "NetworkReference": "223414600869",
	    "MerchantReference": "1641729671",
	    "Amount": "10",
	    "Currency": "434",
	    "PaidThrough": "Card",
	    "PayerAccount": "639499XXXXXX0781",
	    "PayerName": "SS",
	    "ProviderSchemeName": "",
	    "SecureHash": "EB085D519BCC0887EA1031939F15DE230991E8C1E8731CD11A6916A5B7FC29D8",
	    "DisplayData": "",
	    "TokenCustomerId": "",
	    "TokenCard": ""

addEventListener("moamalatError", function (e) {
  e.detail; // response data
  /* e.detail
	    "error": "CUBEEX5212216:Authentication Failed",
	    "Amount": "200.031",
	    "MerchantReferenece": "",
	    "DateTimeLocalTrxn": "220818232732",
	    "SecureHash": "1C8B1301AD4C00BE66EC25FD45A81D0C4030C79EF53CA903FA5009ECCAD08D46"

addEventListener("moamalatCancel", function () {});

Get Transaction in back-end

use MoamalatPay\Transaction;

// get transaction from NPG(moamalat)
$transaction = new Transaction($networkReference, $merchantReference);
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in loading the transaction

/** available methods to interact with transaction **/

 * Get all properties of transaction
 * @return Array

 * Get property of transaction
 * @param $property key
 * @return mixed

 * Get property of reponse , if property not exists return default value
 * @param $property
 * @param $default
 * @return mixed
$transaction->getWithDefault($property, $default = null);

 * Get all properties of reponse
 * @return Array

 * Check status of transaction is Approved
 * @param $amount
 * @param $card
 * @return boolean
$transaction->checkApproved($amount = null, $card = null);
use MoamalatPay\Transaction;

// get transaction from NPG(moamalat)
$transaction = new Transaction("223414600869","1641729671");

/* return
          "Amnt" => "10",
          "AmountTrxn" => "10",
          "AuthCode" => null,
          "CardNo" => "639499XXXXXX0781",
          "CardType" => "",
          "Currency" => "LYD",
          "ExternalTxnId" => null,
          "FeeAmnt" => "0",
          "HasToken" => true,
          "ISForceSendCVCForRefund" => true,
          "IsMustVoidTotalAmount" => true,
          "IsPointTrasnaction" => false,
          "IsRefund" => false,
          "IsRefundEnabled" => true,
          "IsSend" => false,
          "MerchantReference" => "1641729671",
          "MobileNumber" => null,
          "OriginalTxnId" => "",
          "RRN" => "223414600869",
          "ReceiptNo" => "223414600869",
          "RefundButton" => 1,
          "RefundReason" => "",
          "RefundSource" => "",
          "RefundUserCreator" => "",
          "RelatedTxnTotalAmount" => null,
          "RemainingRefundAmount" => "10",
          "ResCodeDesc" => "Approved",
          "STAN" => "600869",
          "SenderName" => "SS",
          "Status" => "Approved",
          "TipAmnt" => "0",
          "TransType" => "Sale",
          "TransactionChannel" => "Card",
          "TransactionId" => "1233114",
          "TxnDateTime" => "22/08/22  14:13",
          "TxnIcon" => 2

// return 639499XXXXXX0781

// return card-not-found

// if transaction status is Approved it will return true

// if transaction is status is Approved , amount=10000 and CardNo=639499XXXXXX0781 it will return true

Notifications Service (Webhook)

Notification Services allow merchants to receive notifications whenever a transaction is generated for their accounts

We save all notifications in database with fire events depends on transaction type and status

MoamalatPay\Models\MoamalatPayNotification \\ Eloquent Model
\\ properites

Available Scopes

// filter to get approved transactions (ActionCode = 00)

// filter to get verified transactions (verified = 1)

// filter to get transactions for currency terminal_id and merchant_id in config


Example of how to add listener , check laravel documentation for more info

// event will be fired when receive request from ip not exists in allowed_ips in config of moamalat-pay
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\DisallowedRequestEvent $event) {

// event will be fired after check secureHas is unverified
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\UnverfiedTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\VerfiedTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 1: Sale
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedSaleTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 2: Refund
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedRefundTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 3: Void Sale
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedVoidSaleTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 4: Void Refund
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedVoidRefundTransaction $event) {
   $event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction

Refund and Void Transactions

When the refund is called before settlement (usually settlement at the end of the day), it will be void, otherwise it will be refunded

 * Refund transaction by system reference of transaction
 * @param string|integer $systemReference
 * @param string|integer $amount
 * @return array content response of moamalat
app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundBySystemReference($systemReference, $amount)->getAll()
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in refund the transaction

 * Refund transaction by network reference of transaction
 * @param string|integer $networkReference
 * @param string|integer $amount
 * @return array content response of moamalat
app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundByNetworkReference($networkReference, $amount)->getAll()
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in refund the transaction

/* response : return of getAll() method
    "Message": "Approved",
    "Success": true,
    "ActionCode": null,
    "AuthCode": null,
    "DecimalFraction": 3,
    "ExternalTxnId": null,
    "IsEnableRefund": false,
    "MerchantReference": null,
    "NetworkReference": null,
    "ReceiptNumber": null,
    "ReceiverAccountNumber": null,
    "ReceiverName": null,
    "ReceiverScheme": null,
    "RefNumber": "1233678", // System reference for the new refund transaction
    "SystemReference": 0,
    "SystemTxnId": 0,
    "TxnDate": null
$r = app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundBySystemReference("1233114", "10");
// or
$r = app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundByNetworkReference("223414600869", "10");

// will return instance of MoamalatPay\Refund class

 * Get all properties of reponse
 * @return array
/* response
    "Message": "Approved",
    "Success": true,
    "ActionCode": null,
    "AuthCode": null,
    "DecimalFraction": 3,
    "ExternalTxnId": null,
    "IsEnableRefund": false,
    "MerchantReference": null,
    "NetworkReference": null,
    "ReceiptNumber": null,
    "ReceiverAccountNumber": null,
    "ReceiverName": null,
    "ReceiverScheme": null,
    "RefNumber": "1233678", // System reference for the new refund transaction
    "SystemReference": 0,
    "SystemTxnId": 0,
    "TxnDate": null

 * Get property of transaction
 * @param $property key
 * @return mixed
// return Approved

 * Get property of reponse , if property not exists return default value
 * @param $property
 * @param $default
 * @return mixed
$r->getWithDefault($property, $default = null);
$r->getWithDefault('Card', 'No Card');
// return No Card

 * Get SystemReference of new refund transaction
 * @return string|integer
// return 1233678


Run the tests with:

composer test
// or

Run Static Analysis Tool (PHPStan)

composer analyse
// or
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT)