Read all premium articles of medium for free 🤑. Just install it, go to medium and read your favorite stories without any hassel
Steps to install this extension manually :
Clone this repository using
git clone
Go to
and check the box for Developer mode in the top right. -
Click the
load unpacked
button and select the cloned folder for this repo to install it. -
And here, you go!
Note ⛔- It will always work in guest mode. If you want to logged in to medium disable this extension first, otherwise it will log you out.
Read unlimited premium articles over medium as guest user.
No need to bother about free stories. Medium will always tell you that you have 2 stories left 📢
One time installation.
If you want to contribute to this project and make it better, your help is most welcome. Fork it and make changes in your personal branch and send pull request to develop
Feel free to ask me, if you need any help.