This repo contains the pipeline code for the paper "Machine Learning based Novelty Detection using Modal Analysis"
The following order is suggested to run the files.
- Some documents require MATLAB. Make sure MATLAB installed. The code is tested in version 2018b.
- Make sure Anaconda( is installed. Moreover, Keras ( and Tensorflow ( should be installed. The code is only tested for Python 3.6.7.
This pipeline will generate 200 GB of data.
- Make sure data and eq folder are created with three folders (1, 2, and 3) in them. Each folder is related to a damage condition.
- Download OpenSees excecutable file and tcl/tk package from
- Put the OpenSees.exe into folder where you will run the scripts. Add tcl/tk to path if it is not added already.
- Run to generate reference temperatures. This will create T.txt file for each damage condition.
- Run to generate ambient vibrations. This will create a set of ambient excitiations for each damage condition.
- Run to generate structural responses using the ambient excitation. This part requires OpenSees. The code is written to run only on multi-core processors.
- Run to obtain frequencies and mode shapes from structural responses. This step requires MATLAB as it utilizes NExT-ERA files written by Dyke, Caicedo, and Giraldo.
- Run or to generate the novelty index.
- The SHM data is provided here under SHMTools Additional Datasets.
- Extract the contents of into folder where you will run the scripts.
- Run test_data.m to obtain frequencies and mode shapes from structural responses. This step requires MATLAB as it utilizes NExT-ERA files written by Dyke, Caicedo, and Giraldo for their Benchmark structure.
- Run or to generate the novelty index.