CS 1566: Computer Graphics Projects
Course completed in Fall 2022 in JavaScript and HTML (for website setup). Please do not use posted materials to violate academic integrity.
- Project #1: Trackball Style Sphere Rotation and Scaling of different shapes
- Project #2: Walking through and Solving a Maze with Animation
- Project #3: Shifting platforms and rolling spheres with adjustable light
- Project #4: 4-Tier Robot Arm with light and moveable fingers
- Lab #1: Setting up WebGL
- Lab #2: Library of Vector and Matrix Operations
- Lab #3: Drawing a Cone
- Lab #3-2: Drawing different shapes with keyboard response
- Lab #4: Transformation, Scaling, and Rotating Matrices
- Lab #5: Randomized Recursive Maze Creation
- Lab #6: 3D Immersive Maze Creation
- Lab #7: Simultaneous Transformations on Different Objects