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A discord bot made in JDA by AlienIdeology (or Ayy™).
Default Prefix: =
picture alt

Discord Bots Link
Invite Link Without Permissions
Discord Support Server

Brief Command List

For a full command list, go to Full Command List
Information Commands

  • help (h) - Get a list of commands. *
  • invite - Get a invite link for this bot. *
  • botinfo (bi) - Get bot info. *
  • serverinfo (si) - Get server info.
  • channelinfo (ci) - Get channel info (Text/Voice Channel).
  • userinfo (ui) - Get user info. *
  • list (l) - Get a list of servers, members, roles or channels.

Moderation Commands

  • mods - Get a list of mods.
  • prune (p) - Delete messages.
  • kick (k) - Kick member(s).
  • ban (b) - Ban member(s) by Mention.
  • unban (ub) - Unban member(s) by ID.
  • softban - Kick and clean up member(s) messages.

utility Commands

  • number (n) - Generate random numbers, roll a dice, or flip a coin. *
  • say - Let the bot say something for you. Support Embed Message. *
  • emoji (e) - Translate words into the Emoji language. *
  • math (m) - Let the bot to solve a math operation for you. *
  • weather (w) - Get the weather. *
  • search - Search Google, Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary, Github, IMDb and custom sites.*
  • image - Search images from Imgur, Giphy, and KnowYourMeme. *

Fun Commands

  • 8ball - Ask the magic 8ball a question. *
  • face - Lenny *
  • spam - Spam yummy spams! *
  • rockpaperscissors (rps) - Play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. *
  • guessnum (gn) - Guess a number! *
  • tictactoe (ttt) - Play a Tic Tac Toe game XO!!
  • hangman (hm) - Play HangMan. *
  • hangmancheater (hmc) - Hang Man Cheater base on the unknown word and missed letters. *

Music Commands

  • music (m) - Get a list of music commands.
  • player (pl) - Music player controller.
  • play (p) - Play a song from YouTube.
  • fm - Play automatic playlists.
  • radio - Stream from a radio station.
  • pause (ps) - Pause/Resume the current playing song.
  • skip - Skip the song.
  • queue (q) - Show the playlist and what's coming next.
  • nowplaying (np) - Get the information of the current playing song.
  • volume - Set the volume of the bot.
  • jump (jp) - Jump to a position of the song.
  • shuffle (sf) - Shuffle the queue.
  • repeat (rp) - Repeat the queued songs.
  • stop - Stop the player.
  • lyrics - Show the lyrics of a song. *

Restricted Commands
These commands are for Server Owner or Bot Owner only.

  • shutdown - Shut down the bot remotely. (Bot Owner) *
  • Presence - Set the Status, game or NickName of the bot. *
  • source - Get the source code of a command class. *
  • log - Get the logs of this bot. *
  • eval - Evaluate java code. (Bot Owner) *

Adding the command/module name after help will show the command/module usage.
* - Available directly from direct message.


  1. Java (JDK 8)
  2. JDA (Discord API)
  3. Lavaplayer (For Music Module)
  4. Emoji Java (For Emotes)
  5. Exp4j (For MathCommand)
  6. Yahoo Weather Java API (For WeatherCommand)
  7. Jsoup (For searching and screen scraping)
  8. Json (For automatic playlists)
  9. Unirest (For HTML Connections)