"Open Ocean with Schooling Fish – Focus on animating the behavior of large schools of fish, with predators interacting."
An underwater environment simulation using boids in OpenGL. Contains different animated fish models that interact with each other and anemone around the sea floor.
- Predator and prey behaviour
- Instancing via
- GPU parellisation via compute shaders (and an unused implementation of a CPU octree)
- GPU-processed animations for all fish
- Custom environment and fish models and textures and ability to toggle the visibility of both
- Toggleable debug menu via ImGui using the TAB button
Potential future milestones:
- Frustum/instance culling
- Collision avoidance
- Procedural generation
- Regular grid on the GPU
Sea anemone model: Modified and re-textured from original model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/sea-anemone-from-poly-by-google-d0a95c4a26ee4d358135c19c0b94dad7
Palm tree and accessories: Re-textured from original model: https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/landscape/beach-scene