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Arrow768 edited this page May 31, 2014 · 10 revisions

In this tutorial, we will install Store on a CS:S server with a clean SourceMod installation with the following items:

  • Hats
  • Miscs
  • Trails
  • Titles

Installing Required Extensions

The first thing that you'd want to do is to install SDKHooks and SMJansson.

To do that, navigate to the extension's AlliedModders thread, and download the corresponding zip file. Extract them to your cstrike/ directory. To verify the installation, start your server and type the following command in your console:

sm exts list

It should print a message like that:

[SM] Displaying 11 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.4.7-dev): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.4.7-dev): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS:S Tools (1.4.7-dev): CS:S extended functionality
[04] BinTools (1.4.7-dev): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools (1.4.7-dev): Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus (1.4.7-dev): Creates sorted nested menus
[07] Client Preferences (1.4.7-dev): Saves client preference settings
[08] SQLite (1.4.7-dev): SQLite Driver
[09] SDK Hooks (2.2.0): Source SDK Hooks
[10] SMJansson (2.3.1/3): JSON parser/writer
[11] MySQL-DBI (1.4.7-dev): MySQL driver implementation for DBI

Take a look at the SDKHooks and the SMJansson lines. If the command prints the description of these extensions, it means that your installation was successful.

Setting up the database

Next, we will set up our MySQL database. If you rent your server from a Game Server Provider (GSP), they should provide a MySQL server and phpMyAdmin. If you are installing this on a dedicated server or a VPS, you'll need to configure the MySQL server by yourself. Google has thousands of tutorials on how to do it.

Let's start by creating a database. Note: Some GSPs already create a database for you. If you already have a database, you can skip this step. Open your phpMyAdmin and in the top bar navigate to Databases.

Creating Database

Type store in the database name and click Create.

Enter the database you've just created and navigate to Import. Click Choose File, and choose configs/store/sql-init-files/store.sql from the store package. Click Go.

Installing the Store plugin

Download the store package from the AlliedModders thread and extract it to cstrike/addons/sourcemod/.

Open cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg and before the last } paste this:

    "driver"        "mysql"
    "host"          "<your-database-host>"
    "database"		"<your-database-name>"
    "user"		    "<username>"
    "pass"		    "<password>"

Make sure to fill your database host, name, user and password.

Restart your server and type !store in chat. If it doesn't work, navigate to cstrike/addons/sourcemod/logs and open the latest store log. If you see an error like: Connection to SQL database has failed, it means that your entry in databases.cfg was wrong.

Installing Web Panel

The web panel is required for store management and items import. The installation tutorial is available here:

Installing Equipment

If you try to open !shop, you will see that there are no items. So let's install them. Let's get started with hats and miscs.

Download Accessories Pack from the Garry's Mod downloads site, and extract it to your server. If you have a fast download server, make sure to update it.

Next, download the store-equipment package from the AlliedModders thread and extract it to cstrike/addons/sourcemod.

Open your store web panel, navigate to Import/Export System under the Tools menu, and import configs/store/json-import/equipment.json.

You can install the Toggle Special FX SourceMod plugin if you want players to be able to turn off hats on their client only.

Installing Trails

Download the store-trails package from the AlliedModders thread and extract it to cstrike/addons/sourcemod.

Open your store web panel, navigate to Import/Export System under the Tools menu, and import configs/store/json-import/trails.json.

Installing Titles

Install Simple Chat Processor (Redux).

Download the store-titles package from the AlliedModders thread and extract it to cstrike/addons/sourcemod.

Open your store web panel, navigate to Import/Export System under the Tools menu, and import configs/store/json-import/titles.json.


Hope you enjoyed the tutorial. If you have any questions, you can ask me at our forum.