The client and server is under GPL3. And part of the project:
This game is a MMORPG, Lan game and a single player game. It's mix of pokemon for the RPG part, lineage for the crafting/clan/MMORPG, X3 for the commerce/fabric/industry. With mod possibility, and datapack.
It's a pixel art game. The work is concentrated on the gameplay/performance/security/creativity/accessibility. The income is to paid the developping and the artwork. The game is fully open source (GPL3).
The gameplay have strong team part, but remain interresting in single player. Have clear advantage on 3G/wifi/TOR connexion or into the tiers world.
client/tiled/ is extracted version of, libogg and fileopus is extracted from other project Interface UI is from buyed template (then under copyright)
Asynchronous protocol with no influence of internet and server latency. Thread isolation for the important or heavy server task. It can be hosted on ADSL connection.
SGBD for Qt version: Mysql 5+, SQLite, PostgreSQL 9+. SGBD for epoll version (async to high performance): Mysql 5.5+, PostgreSQL 9+.
You need to create this roles:
- catchchallenger-login
- catchchallenger-base
su -l postgres
cd server/databases/postgresql
echo 'CREATE DATABASE catchchallenger_login;' | psql postgres postgres
echo 'CREATE DATABASE catchchallenger_base;' | psql postgres postgres
echo 'CREATE DATABASE catchchallenger_common;' | psql postgres postgres
echo 'CREATE DATABASE catchchallenger_server;' | psql postgres postgres
psql catchchallenger_login postgres < catchchallenger-postgresql-login.sql
psql catchchallenger_base postgres < catchchallenger-postgresql-base.sql
psql catchchallenger_common postgres < catchchallenger-postgresql-common.sql
psql catchchallenger_server postgres < catchchallenger-postgresql-server.sql
echo 'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "catchchallenger-login";' | psql catchchallenger_login postgres
echo 'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "catchchallenger-base";' | psql catchchallenger_base postgres
echo 'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "catchchallenger-login";' | psql catchchallenger_common postgres
echo 'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "catchchallenger-login";' | psql catchchallenger_server postgres
Use C++11
- zlib (can be disabled but it's for tiled map editor)
- Client
- Qt openssl enabled to have QSslSocket or QtWebSocket
- Server
- Qt if generic server
- db
- db driver (mysql, sqlite for game solo, postgresql, depands of you choice)
- Gateway
- curl to download datapack via http
Ubuntu: apt-get install build-essential gcc automake qt5-qmake libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev libqt5sql5-psql libqt5websockets5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5sql5-mysql qtdeclarative5-dev qtscript5-dev
Debian stretch: apt-get install build-essential gcc automake qt5-qmake libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev qttools5-dev libqt5sql5-psql libqt5websockets5-dev libqt5sql5-psql libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5sql5-mysql qtdeclarative5-dev qtscript5-dev
cd server/
git clone --depth=1 datapack
cd server/
git clone --depth=1 datapack
Ubuntu: apt-get install libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev
Debian stretch: apt-get install build-essential gcc automake qt5-qmake libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev qttools5-dev
cd server/
git clone --depth=1 datapack
chmod a+x catchchallenger-server-cli-epoll
Debian stretch: apt-get install build-essential gcc automake qt5-qmake libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev qttools5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qtscript5-dev
cd client/
qmake *.pro
git clone --depth=1 datapack
chmod a+x catchchallenger
- The sources of the client/server:
- The sources of the datapack:
- The sources of the site:
You need CPU with support of unaligned access on 8/16/32Bits for the server at least (plan to support all CPU)
The server is actually 10-20MB of memory (1MB measured by massif) and 2KB by player