A plugin for Mongoose for model relationships and helpers.
- Be unobtrusive and compliant with the ways of Mongoose (coding style, testing, API).
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({});
postSchema.hasMany('comments', { dependent: 'destroy|delete|nullify' });
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);
var commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({});
var Comment = mongoose.model('Comment', commentSchema);
Creates a child document associated to the parent.
- {Object|Array} objs child document(s) // simple objects
- {Function} callback callback(err, docs)
- {Error} err error from mongoose
- {Document|Array} docs Array or single persisted model
var postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ content: String });
postSchema.hasMany('comments', { dependent: 'destroy|delete|nullify' });
var commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ content: String });
var post = new Post({ content: "Relations are helpful." });
post.comments.create({ content: "I agree!" }, function(err, comment){
console.assert(comment.content == "I agree!", "comment belongsTo post.");
console.assert(post._id == comment.post, "comment belongsTo post.");
console.assert(!comment.isNew, "comment has been saved.");
console.assert(comment instanceOf Comment, "comment is a Comment.");
post.comments.create({ content: "+1" }, { content: "Yup!" }, function(err, comments){
console.assert(comments.length == 2, "created two documents.");
comments.forEach(function (comment) {
console.assert(post._id == comment.post, "comment belongsTo post.");
console.assert(!comment.isNew, "comment has been saved.");
console.assert(comment instanceOf Comment, "comment is a Comment.");
Instantiates children/a child document(s) with the appropriate associations.
- {Object|Array} objs child document(s) // simple objects
var comment = post.comments.build({comment: "First!"});
console.assert(comment.post == post._id, "associated");
console.assert(comment.isNew, "not saved");
var post = new Post({ content: "Relations are easy." });
var comments = post.comments.build({ comment: "First!" }, { comment: "LOL" });
console.assert(comments.length == 2);
comments.forEach(function (comment) {
console.assert(comment.post === post._id, "associated");
console.assert(comment.isNew, "not saved");
Associates & saves initialized document(s) with the appropriate associations.
- {Document|Array} docs documents to associate. // mongoose documents
- {Function} callback callback(err, docs)
- {Error} err error from mongoose
- {Document|Array} docs Array or single persisted document(s)
var post = new Post({ content: "Concating is great." });
var comment = new Comment();
post.comments.concat(comment, function(err, comment){
console.assert(comment.post === post._id, "associated");
console.assert(!comment.isNew, "saved");
var comments = [new Comment(), new Comment()];
post.comments.concat(comments, function(err, comments){
console.assert(comments.length == 2);
comments.forEach(function (comment) {
console.assert(comment.post === post._id, "associated");
console.assert(!comment.isNew, "saved");
// existing doc
var comment = new Comment();
comment.save(function (err, comment) {
post.comments.concat(comment, function(err, comment){
console.assert(comment.post === post._id, "associated");
console.assert(!comment.isNew, "saved");
Sugar for #concat
Inject params for the association, then fallback on Model.find
- {Object} docs (optional) query conditions
- {String} fields (optional) fields to populate
- {Object} options (optional) query options
- {String} callback (optional) callback(err, docs)
- {Error} err error from mongoose
- {Document} doc Found document
var postOne = new Post({ content: "Find all the things." })
, postTwo = new Post({ content: "Found all the things." });
postOne.comments.create({ content: "+1" }, function(err){
postTwo.comments.create({ content: "+1" }, function(err){
postOne.comments.find({ comment: "+1" }, function(err, comments){
console.assert(comments.length == 1);
console.assert(comments[0].post == postOne._id, "found the correct comment");
var criteria = postTwo.comments.find({ comment: "+1" });
console.assert(criteria._conditions.post == postTwo._id, "The association has been added to the query.");
console.assert(criteria._conditions.comment == "+1", "keeps original query.");
criteria.exec(function(err, comments){
console.assert(comments.length == 1);
console.assert(comments[0].post == postTwo._id, "found the correct comment");
- Document belongsTo
- add touch to hasMany
- add touch to belongsTo
- Refactor hasAndBelongsToMany
- Document hasAndBelongsToMany
- Add embedsMany
- Add emdedsOne