This repo contains the dockerfile and the required scripts to build it.
- MOODLE_CURRENT_BRANCH: the moodle version that you want to install in the container
- DB_CONNECTOR: Moodle database connector. Example: mysql
- DB_HOST: database host
- DB_PORT: database port
- DB_NAME: moodle database name (should exist)
- DB_USERNAME: moodle database user
- DB_PASSWORD: moodle database user password
- DB_PREFIX: database table prefix
- CACERT: path to your ca-certificate. Use it if some code of your moodle will request to a custom server with SSL and you need to trust it.
You need to mount two volumes to persist the moodle data with plugins:
- /path/to/folder/in/host/moodle_data:/var/moodle_data
- /path/to/folder/in/host/moodle:/var/www/html