This is the repository of VPL++ API. Its belongs to the VPL++ ecosystem.
- Node v8 or greater
- Babel-node not required, it will installed as dev dependency.
- npx
- nodemon for local development
- postman
- npm install
The way to configure the API is environment variables. However if you dont want to use enviroment variables you can choose by config file.
The folder config/env
contains the folders that will be used by environment. Each folder inside matchs with the environment name. For example, the folder config/env/custom
matchs with the enviroment called custom
The api will try to read the file index.js
warning: The index.js
file is more relevant than the enviroment variables. Its mean, the index.js
file overwritte the enviroment variables
the index.js for a config file looks like:
For example
module.exports = {
HOST: 'localhost',
PORT: '1337',
PUBLIC: 'api',
NODE_ENV: 'development',
MONGO: 'mongodb://vpladmin:secret@localhost:27017/vpl-dev?authSource=admin',
MYSQL: 'mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/moodle?connectionAttributes=program_name:vplplusplus_api',
MOODLE_HOST: 'localhost',
MOODLE_PORT: '8080',
MOODLE_AUTH_TYPE: 'saltedcrypt',
INIT_USER_TYPE: 'reset',
TOKEN_SECRET: 'secret',
CACHE_FOLDER: '/tmp/vplplusplus',
- HOST: The domain where the api is allocated.
- PORT: API port
- PUBLIC: is the public path to the API, usefull when run it besida a gateway
- NODE_ENV: enviroment name,
- SYSTEM_CORES: the api will use this cores in the host cpu,
- MONGO: mongo connection string
- MYSQL: mysql connection string
- MOODLE_HOST: Moodle host
- MOODLE_PORT: Moodle port
- MOODLE_DB_PREFIX: Moddle table prefix
- MOODLE_AUTH_TYPE: for now, is only available 'saltedcrypt'. It is the alghoritm that moodle use to validate the user passwords
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: In order to login with gooogle, it should be the client application in your google console.
- TOKEN_SECRET: JWT secret. Be carefull and does not exposes that.
- TOKEN_EXP_MINUTES: It could be
or a number. Its the time in minutes that the tokens will expires for the users sessions - CACHE_FOLDER: Host path for caching folder
- OPEN_DEVELOPMENT_ENDPOINT: Potentially dangerous. Its exposes a development endpoint.
- SHOW_CONFIG_AT_STARTUP: print the current configuration that the api take. Only admit true.
docker-compose build api
After you set the enviroment variables by each enviroment. You can run each enviroment running the next commands
Before execute the server, you can define the environment if you set the env var NODE_ENV
NODE_PATH=. node node_modules/@babel/node/bin/babel-node.js server.js
NODE_PATH=. npx babel-node server.js
NODE_PATH=. babel-node server.js
npm start
npm startdev
npm startlocal
At root project, there is a exported Postman collections.