A TCP based server that streams live audio to clients over the network
Can be used to broadcast audio to a group of willing listeners over a network. E.g. Broadcaster's computer starts the server: ./server Starts talking etc...
Listener tunes in: python client.py [broadcaster's IP]
This can also be useful when you want to use headphones while still remaining alert to your surroundings. Connect the client to localhost and your microphone will be fed into your speakers.
To build, simply run 'make'.
To recompile using capture-portaudio.c replace -lasound with -lportaudio and capture.c with capture-portaudio.c in the Makefile.
The python client requires Python 3 as well as pyaudio. To run: python client.py [IP=localost] [PORT=1234] A connection refused error likely means the server is not running.
Note that the sample rate should probably be lowered if streaming across anything bigger than a small home network.