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Infrastructure layers configuration orchestrator for OpenTofu or Terraform


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Infrastructure layers configuration orchestrator for OpenTofu or Terraform

Manage your infrastructure across multiple environments (development, staging, and production) and multiple layers (like multiple servers, networks, storage, databases) efficiently!

Avoid duplicating Terraform code (directory for each environment) by reusing it across multiple environments with dedicated JSON configuration files.

  • Environment/layer configuration stored outside the Terrafom/OpenTofu code
  • Terrafom/OpenTofu code, called tofi, should be generic enough to handle provided configuration to deploy same resources with different configurations
  • tfvars and variables are automatically generated in the temporary folder with selected terraform code (tofi) = resulting in full set of the Terraform code and configuration variables
  • After temporary folder is ready it executes terraform or tofu with specified parameters
  • Maintainins separate state files for each environment/layer = automaticaly/dynamic provides configuration for remote state managment (different path on the storage regarding configured layers/dimensions). So the deployed set (configuration+terraform) stored in different tfstate files in remote storage (S3, GCS)

What about alternative tools?

Yes, you should check other Infrastructure as Code (IaC) orchestration tool for Terraform:

So why another tool?

  1. The more open source tools the better (for GitHub Copilot, not for Earth).
  2. The more choice, the better (there are countries where people have no choice).
  3. Imagine there is only AWS CloudFormation.


Organization with AWS resources and state stored in S3

./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o demo-org -d account:test-account -d datacenter:staging1 -t vpc -- init
./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o demo-org -d account:test-account -d datacenter:staging1 -t vpc -- plan
./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o demo-org -d account:test-account -d datacenter:staging1 -t vpc -- apply

Organization with Google Cloud resources and state stored in Google Cloud Storage

./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o gcp-org -d account:free-tier -t free_instance -- init
./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o gcp-org -d account:free-tier -t free_instance -- plan
./tofugu cook --config examples/.tofugu -o gcp-org -d account:free-tier -t free_instance -- apply
  • Everything after -- will be passed as parameters to the cmd_to_exec
  • -c = to remove temp dir after any tofugu execution (after apply or destroy and exitcode=0 temp dir removed automatically)
  • -o = name of the organization (subfolder in Inventory, tofies folders and in .tofugu config section)
  • -d = dimension to attach to tofu/terraform. You may specify as many -d pairs as you need!
  • -t = name of the tofi in the tofies folder

Tofi Manifest

Special json file with name tofi_manifest.json in tofi folder provides options for TofuGu.

Currently only dimensions with list of the required/expecting dimensions (from Inventory Store)

tofi_manifest.json example

Infrastructure layers/dimensions configurations Storage

Infrastructure layers Configuration Management Database (CMDB). (Toaster-ToasterDB)

You could set env variable toasterurl to point to TofuGu-Toaster, like:

export toasterurl=''

To generate your own credentials please go to , fill the form with Account Name, Email and press Create User and you will receive generated credentials and ready-to-use export command like:

Please execute in shell to set toasterurl:

export toasterurl=

With correct toasterurl TofuGu will connect and receive all the required dimension data from the Toaster-ToasterDB. Additional parameter could be passed to tofugu -w workspacename. In general workspacename is the branch name of the source repo where the dimension is stored. If TofuGu-Toaster will not find dimension with specified workspacename it will try to return dimension from master workspace/branch!

Toaster-ToasterDB Provides additional features for your CI and CD pipelines. For example, you need to receive a first-app.json in the CI pipeline, to check application configuration. Or you need a list of all the datacenters in datacenter dimension in Jenkins drop-down list to select to which datacenter to deploy application.

Swagger API docs (full API documentation and examples)

To upload/update dimensions in Toaster from your Inventory Files repo you could use script example and execute it like bash examples/ examples/inventory/

Please join the Toaster-ToasterDB beta-testers!

File-based Infrastructure layers configuration Storage. (Inventory Files)

If env variable toasterurl is not set, TofuGu will use file-based configuration Storage (probably dedicated git repo), specified by the path configured in inventory_path.


Dimensions usage in tf-code

When you set dimensions in the tofugu flags -d datacenter:staging1 , TofuGu will provide you inside tf-code next variables:

  • var.tofugu_datacenter_name = will contain string staging1
  • var.tofugu_datacenter_data = will contain whole object from staging1.json
  • var.tofugu_datacenter_defaults = will contain whole object from dim_defaults.json IF file dim_defaults.json exists!


Passing environment variables from shell

For example, you need to pass a variable (AWS region) from shell to the terraform code, simply set it and use!

Environment variable must start with tofugu_envvar_ prefix!

export tofugu_envvar_awsregion=us-east-1

In the TF code:

provider "aws" {
    region = var.tofugu_envvar_awsregion

Env variables used in code example


Config file (in YAML format) path maybe provided by the --config flag, for example: `

tofugu --config path_to_config/tofuguconfig cook -o demo-org -d account:test-account -d datacenter:staging1 -t vpc -- init

If --config flag is not set, then it will try to load from default location $HOME/.tofugu

.tofugu example:

  tofies_path: examples/tofies
  shared_modules_path: examples/tofies/shared-modules
  inventory_path: examples/inventory
  cmd_to_exec: tofu
    bucket: default-tfstates
    key: $tofugu_state_path
    region: us-east-2
    bucket: gcp-tfstates
    prefix: $tofugu_state_path
  • tofies_path = relative path to the folder with terraform code (tofi)
  • shared_modules_path = relative path to the folder with shared TF modules maybe used by any tofi
  • inventory_path = relative path to the folder with jsons
  • cmd_to_exec = name of the binary to execute (tofu or terraform)
  • backend = Config values for backend provider. All the child key:values will be provided to init and $tofugu_state_path will be replaced by generated path. For example, when you will execute tofugu cook ...... -- init, TofuGu actually will execute init -backend-config=bucket=gcp-tfstates -backend-config=prefix=account_free-tier/free_instance.tfstate

At least

    bucket: default-tfstates
    key: $tofugu_state_path

must be set in the config file! With key:values specific for the backend provider being used in org!

Other options contain hard-coded defaults:

  inventory_path: "examples/inventory"
  shared_modules_path: ""
  tofies_path: "examples/tofies"
  cmd_to_exec: "tofu"

Shared modules support

It is a good practice to move some generic terraform code to the modules and reuse those modules in multiple terraform code (tofies)

Path to the folder with such private shared modules configured by shared_modules_path parameter in .tofugu configuration file.

This folder will be mounted/linked to the every temporary folder (set) so you could use any module by short path like

//use shared-module
module "vpc" {
  source = "./shared-modules/create_vpc"


Remote state (Terraform Backend where state data files are stored)

AWS, Google Cloud and some other backends are supported! You could configure any backend provider in TofuGu Config file

For AWS S3 your terraform code (tofi) should contains at least::

terraform {
  backend "s3" {}

For Google Cloud Storage your terraform code (tofi) should contains at least::

terraform {
  backend "gcs" {}

If for the demo-org config bucket is set, then $tofugu_state_path will be like: dimName1_dimValue1/dimNameN_dimValueN/tofiName.tfstate

If for the demo-org config bucket is NOT set, then $tofugu_state_path will be like org_demo-org/dimName1_dimValue1/dimNameN_dimValueN/tofiName.tfstate

This could be useful, if you want to store by default tfstate for all the organisations in the same/default bucket default-tfstates but for some specific organisation you need to store tfstates in dedicated bucket demo-org-tfstates

Data Source Configuration (data "terraform_remote_state")

To simplify "Data Source Configuration" (data "terraform_remote_state" "tfstate" { }) will be nice to have backend config values as tfvars.

var.tofugu_backend_config will contain all the parameters from TofuGu config (backend Section)

For example, for AWS S3:

data "terraform_remote_state" "network" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket = var.tofugu_backend_config.bucket
    key    = "network/terraform.tfstate"
    region = var.tofugu_backend_config.region

And for GCS:

data "terraform_remote_state" "free_instance" {
  backend = "gcs"
  config = {
    bucket  = var.tofugu_backend_config.bucket
    prefix  = "account_free-tier/free_instance.tfstate"

You will set key/prefix to another tofie's tfstate, which outputs you want to use.


Recommended to enable plugin_cache_dir to reuse providers.

.tofurc example:

plugin_cache_dir   = "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"
plugin_cache_may_break_dependency_lock_file = true

Do not forget to create plugin-cache dir: mkdir "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"


tofugu is OpenTofu/Terraform version agnostic! Required external tools/binaries: rsync, ln


tofugu is licensed with Apache License Version 2.0. Please read the LICENSE file for more details.