It is a Telegram bot that follows your asset's prices according to your portfolio. Also it supports custom alert conditions for your thresholds. When condition hits, it sends a notification to your telegram acount.
Currently it supports only crypto assets(:crypto: Crypto currency).
To fetch live price of Cryptocurrencies CoinGecko Api is using.
- Firstly, you should create a portfolio.
- Then you can add or remove any number of assets to your portfolio.
- You can add or remove custom alerts for your assets.
- You can learn and watch current value of your assets.
Commands | Explanation | Example |
/create |
It creates a portfolio for you. | /create |
/get |
It returns your portfolio. | /get |
/get_detail |
It returns your portfolio with detail. | /get_detail |
/add_asset |
It adds asset to your portfolio. | /add_asset asset_name count price (name must be same with exchange identifier) |
/delete_asset |
It deletes asset from portfolie. | /delete_asset name |
/set_alert |
It creates a alert for a asset. When it hits target, it send notification to you. | /set_alert type asset_name target_price (type -> upper_limit or lower_limit) |
/get_alerts |
It returns active alerts for your portfolio. | /get_alerts |
/start |
Alias for /help |
/live |
/help |
Help() | /help |