- Cluster addons/controller-manifests with relevant configurations using argocd applicationset
- Metadata needed by manifests are retrieved automatically from applicationset cluster secret bootstrapped via terraform
- Argocd
Enabled and configured argocd ingress to share ALB with other applications using ALB group
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
Increased (Queries Per Second) rate limit in Argo CD
Enabled horizontal pod autoscaling
Enabled argocd UI access via loadbalancer
Configured argocd RBAC
Configured to access ECR OCI registries
Configured health check for
custom resources
Created default argocd AppProject
- Argo rollouts
Configured to query cloudwatch for http request target
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
- Cloudwatch metrics
Configured serviceAccount; extracting role-arn from eks blueprint addons
GP3 enabled
- External DNS
Configured serviceAccount; extracting role-arn from eks blueprint addons
Policy: upsert-only
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
- External secret
Configured serviceAccount; extracting role-arn from eks blueprint addons
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
- Grafana
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
kubernetes dashboards:
gnetId: 10000
Exposed via Ingress
EBS persistence storage
- Karpenter
Configured serviceAccount; extracting role-arn from eks blueprint addons
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
Karpenter provisioner
- Kube cost
Dashboard exposed via Ingress
Enabled application service monitor
Dashboard exposed via Ingress
Enabled EBS storage
- Kyverno
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
Kyverno policies
- ALB controller
configured serviceAccount; extracting role-arn from eks blueprint addons
Enabled service monitor for prometheus
Loki stack
Enabled prometheus stack
Enabled argoRollouts
Slack integration
- Alustan
Configured service account arn
- Argo Rollout
RollbackWindow revisions: 3
Strategy: canary
Pingpong and AntiAffinity implementation: Zero-Downtime with ALB IP target group
Analysis: cloudwatch
- Argo AnalysisTemplate
Error count: result[0] >= 0.05
provider: cloudwatch
AWS/ApplicationELB Metrics: rate of HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count/RequestCountPerTarget
Secrets pulled from ExternalSecret
- ExternalName service
Expose DNS access to postgres DB
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
configured for both default rolling update and canary deployment
- Namespace
elbv2.k8s.aws/pod-readiness-gate-inject: enabled annotations for ip target zero downtime
- ClusterSecretStore and ExternalSecret
pulls secret from external secret operator
- Service
Deployment Service
Rollout Service
Prometheus Service with TargetPort: http-metrics