Today lots of websites are using lazy-loading technique to show new items/ news/records/ upon scrolling down. Also you're able to scroll up in lots of messengers like Telegram/Vkontakte to see old messages. So I needed an easy way to scroll up and down, seemed like there was no such extension on the market so I decided to create it.
Currently localized for english and russian languages, feel free to add more
located in _locales/lang-code/messages.json
- Telegram
- Vkontakte (news, dialogues)
- Youtube (suggested videos, comments)
- Reddit (comments)
- Facebook (news)
Q: I launched a scroll and can't scroll manually after that
A: Click on the "Stop" scrolling option in context menu
Q: Where should I install it from?
A: From official chrome/opera webstores, links are below. If there are no such
extensions, feel free to install it manually by links given in contacts section
Q: I clicked on infinite scrolling and nothing happens
A: Try click in another place or reload the page (browser update is also
Q: Why did scrolling stop ? Why it's stuck?
A: Lazy loading is a tricky feature and new items may not appear because of
website issues or slow connection (server just didn't give you the new data).
Try running it again
Q: This extension works well on some websites and doens't work on another
A: If it doens't work on some popular website - send me a letter about it
When you have it done and installed - open a website with lazy-loading feature, press right mouse button anywhere on the page (desirable inside a place that has to be scrolled) - select scrolling in context menu and scrolling option (infinite / N times).
Install extension from webshop or manually from files
manual for installing extensions from files:
Feel free to use this project as a boilerplate for your extension.
Chrome webstore:
Opera webstore:
Author is Oles Bolotniuk (