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Documentation: Functions

Julien Barbier edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

In order to keep your code maintainable and readable, you'll be asked to document every single function of all your source files.

How to document functions

To document a function, you simply need to insert a comment block above it. Instead of a regular C multiline comment, the comment block must begin with the following line:


with two stars.
Then, each line of the block must start with a star, followed by a space:


The block must end exactly like a C multiline comment, with a multiline comment closer:


Format of the documentation block

In the following description:

  • (...)? signifies optional structure.
  • (...)* signifies 0 or more structure elements

The format of a documentation block is the following one:

 * function_name - Short description, single line
 * @parameterx: Description of parameter x
(* a blank line
 * Description: Longer description of the function)?
(* section header: Section description)*
 * Return: Description of the returned value

So the trivial example would be:

 * my_function - This is a description
void my_function(void)

If the function must returns a value (anything but void), the Return: header tag is mandatory:

 * print_hello - Prints "Hello"
void print_hello(void)

 * is_positive - Check if a number is greater than 0
 * @nb: The number to be checked
 * Return: 1 if the number is positive. 0 otherwise
int is_positive(int nb)
	return (nb > 0);

If there is one or more parameter described, then there must be a blank line after their specification (Only if there is something to describe after the parameters):

 * op_add - Makes the sum of two numbers
 * @arg1: First operand
 * @arg2: Second operand
 * Return: The sum of the two parameters
int op_add(int arg1, int arg2)
	return (arg1 + arg2);

 * print_arg - Prints a string using printf
 * @arg: The string to be printed
void print_arg(char *arg)

Example for the Description header (longer description)

 * op_add - Makes the sum of two numbers
 * @arg1: First operand
 * @arg2: Second operand
 * Description: This is a longer description.
 * Don't forget that a line should not exceed 80 characters.
 * But you're totally free to use several lines to properly
 * describe your function
 * Return: The sum of the two parameters
int op_add(int arg1, int arg2)
	return (arg1 + arg2);

You can also add additional sections. For example, you can add a section Example on which you can give an example of usage when it's relevant.


 * op_add - Makes the sum of two numbers
 * @arg1: First operand
 * @arg2: Second operand
 * Example:
 *    op_add(90, 8); --> 98
int op_add(int arg1, int arg2)
	return (arg1 + arg2);

0. Betty cli

0.1 - Betty-style usage

0.2 - Betty-doc usage

0.3 - References

1. Coding style

1.1 - Indentation

1.2 - Breaking long lines and strings

1.3 - Placing Braces

1.4 - Placing Spaces

1.5 - Naming

1.6 - Functions

1.7 - Commenting

1.8 - Macros and Enums

1.9 - Header files

2. Documentation

2.1 - Functions

2.2 - Data structures

3. Tools

3.1 - Emacs

3.2 - Vim

3.3 - Atom

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