A developing system for CTF Jeopardy.
This is the introduction for the whole system. And in this project, there will be some open project document for everyone to refer to.
Project leader: mukeran
Member: am009,Tinywangxx
FlagField-Server on github.com
FlagField-Server is FlagField's core server. It handles the request from the clients and manage the docker images, containers, resources and problems.
It is based on Go, with gin and gorm.
FlagField-Web on github.com (Please wait for open-source)
FlagField-Web is FlagField's official front end. It acts as the interface between user and the server.
It is based on Vue, Vuex and Buefy (default theme).
It is originally designed for a practice course in college.
But it will be an sustainable platform project for CTFers.