This is a modified work of:
for use with Godot Engine
Recompile the Java Android project (
To enable the module on Android, add the path to the module to the "modules" property on the [android] section of your engine.cfg file. It should look like this:
Note this is a comma separated list inside a string, you can have other modules there.
The singleton "AnalogJoy" will be available on gdscript.
The following methods are available:
void ShowJoy();
void HideJoy();
int GetLeftPan();
int GetLeftTilt();
int GetRightPan();
int GetRightTilt();
bool LeftReleased();
bool LeftReturned();
bool RightReleased();
bool RightReturned();
The joystick is initialized on godot opening but doesnt show (only after a resume). So we need to hide from a GDScript!
After, we only need to show or hide when needed!