If you are new to the
and just now completed with the async functions and call back functions with this bear minimum knowledge creating a telegram bot would be good to go and easy to do task with less code and that to becomes more easy if you use a third party package which can make your life even simpler. -
Before starting with your bot Program you find need to
a token for your bot.
Steps For Creating a Token for Bot:-
- Open telegram and search for botfather.
- To read instructions type /start and press enter.
- To create a new bot type /newbot and press enter.
- It will ask for a bot name, give a bot name without a slash. E.g:coding
- Then it will ask for a username ending with the bot. E.g:coding_bot
Welcome to the manual for [Your Telegram Bot Name]! This guide will help you understand how to use the bot effectively and make the most out of its features.
Start Command
- To start interacting with the bot, simply send the
- To start interacting with the bot, simply send the
Set Date of Birth
- Use the
command to set your date of birth in the formatYYYY-MM-DD
- Use the
Add Tasks
- Use the
/add <task>
command to add a new task to your to-do list.
- Use the
List Tasks
- Use the
command to view your current list of tasks.
- Use the
Date of Birth Reminder
- The bot will remind you about your upcoming birthday.
To-Do List Management
- Keep track of your tasks by adding them to your to-do list.
Task Reminders
- Get reminders about incomplete tasks every hour.
- Start interacting with the bot./binarysearchcpp
- Gives the output of binary search code in cpp/mergesort
- Gives the output of merge sort code in cpp by fetching it throw internet./setdob
- Set your date of birth./add <task>
- Add a new task to your to-do list./list
- View your current list of tasks./remind
- Check how many days are left until your next birthday.
To get the answer of few programs stored in it:
/binarysearchcpp /mergesort
Setting Date of Birth:
/setdob 2004-01-02
Adding a Task:
/add Add your task
Viewing Tasks:
- There is a event start which when we hit starts our bot.
- Anything starting with a '' slash inside the bot is taken or treated a command if cooresponding to that command if we have any reply associated to it then its provided otherwise ignore. On the other hand if we have a any sentence starting without slash '' then its considered as a plane chat-text.
We value your feedback! If you have any suggestions, questions, or encounter any issues with the bot, please feel free to contact us.
If you need further assistance or have any inquiries, you can reach out to me.