extracts all functions + import statements from a specific file / collection of files from a directory and exports to another file 1 .
from_file : str
The path to file or directory that the all functions will be extracted from
to_file : str
The path to file* (ext .py) to insert extracted functions.
(if file does not exist, the file is created)
overwrite : bool, OPTIONAL (default = False)
Overwrites the file (which extracted functions are being inserted into)
(default is False --> appends to end of the file)
regex : str, OPTIONAL
specific regex pattern that a file must match if the from_path parameter is a directory
(default is NONE & only collects from files with extention .py)
python3 collect.py --from_path "file path or directory path" --to_path "file path"
Example 2
python3 collect.py --from_path "116/" --to_path "116/math116.py" --regex "HW_[0-9]*.*" --overwrite True
from math116 import *