An employee directory created with React to manage list of employees.
- React
- Javascript
- Axios
- Random User API
- Bootstrap
- Copy the clone link of the repository from GitHub.
- Open Bash or Terminal Window.
- When the console opens, navigate to the directory the repository will be added to. Remember to use the command cd to change directories.
- In the console, type the command git clone and paste the link to repository.
- Open repository in preferred code editor.
- Open terminal in code editor.
- Type in terminal npm i or npm install to install dependency packages needed.
- To begin the application, open the terminal in the code editor.
- In the terminal, type npm start. This will start the application and open it in a web browser.
- Below is a screenshot of what the browser will look like:
- Search for an employee. This can be done by either using the search box or using the sort button to order the employee names in alphabetical order.