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Group OSM ways together based on topology & tags


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osm-lump-ways group OSM ways based on topology & shared tags Number of Downloads Latest Version

Answer questions about OSM data like:

  • “What's the longest Main Street?”
  • “How far can I drive on unpaved roads in this region?”
  • “How long is the M1 motorway?”
  • “Are these rivers connected?”
  • “What's the river drainage basins?”

2 similar programmes are included: osm-lump-ways, which ignores the direction of the OSM way, and osm-lump-ways-down, which uses direction of OSM ways to produce data, incl. QA suitable files. Both share similarities.


OSM linear features (eg roads, rivers, walls) are stored as way object. The OSM tagging model often requires one feature to be mapped as many different ways. osm-lump-ways will assemble them all together.

Filtering OSM Data

There are 2 ways to select which OSM ways will be used. All relations are currently ignored.

Tag Filter Rules

  • key / ∃key way has this tag
  • ~key_regex / ∃~key_regex There is a key, which matches this regex.
  • ∄key way does not has this key
  • key=value way has this key and this value
  • key≠value way either doesn't have this key, or if it does, it's not equal to value
  • key∈value1,value2,… way has this key and the value is one of these
  • key∉value1,value2,… way either doesn't have this key, or if it does, it's not one of these values
  • key~regex way has this key and the value matches this regex.
  • F1∨F2∨F3… logical OR of the other tag filters F1, F2, …
  • F1∧F2∧F3… logical AND of the other tag filters F1, F2, …

The popular regex crate is used for matching. Regexes, and string comparison, are case sensitive. Add (?i) at start of regex to switch to case insensitive (e.g. name~(?i).* street) Regexes match the whole value, name~[Ss]treet will match Street or street, but not Main Street North nor Main Street. Use name~.*[Ss]treet.* to match all.

Simple Tag Filtering

The -f/--tag-filter can be specified one or more times, and an OSM object is only included if it matches all defined filter's, i.e. a logical AND of all filters.

  • -f highway: Only ways with a highway tag are included
  • -f highway -f name: Only ways with a highway and name tag are included.
  • -f highway -f ∄name: Only ways with a highway and without a name tag are included.

More complex Tag Filtering Functions

The -F/--tag-filter-func takes a single ordered list of tag filters (separated by ;), and includes (with →T), or excludes (with →F), the OSM object based on the first filter function which matches. A bare T or F applies to all.

Example: We want to include all waterways. But not waterway=canal. But we want a waterway=canal iff it also has a lock=yes tag.

-F "waterway=canal∧lock=yes→T; waterway=canal→F; waterway→T; F

If the argument to -F/--tag-filter-func starts with @, the rest is a filename containing the tag filter func code. e.g. -F @myrules.txt.

Comments start with # and continue to the end of the line.


File format

If a filename ends with .geojson, a GeoJSON file (RFC 7946 will be created. For .geojsons, a GeoJSON Text Sequences (RFC 8142), aka GeoJSONSeq, file.

Geometry format

By default each feature is a MultiLineString, representing every way group.

With --split-into-single-paths, each way group will be split into 1 or more LineStrings, controlled by the --split-into-single-paths-by X argument. By default the as-crow-flies distance is used. longest-path uses the longest path in the graph, and this can take days to calculate on large networks.


The input must be an OSM PBF file. Use osmium to convert between OSM file formats.

The input object ids must be positive. OSM import software often uses negative ids. Use osmium sort and then osmium renumber like so, to create an acceptable file.

osmium sort negative-id-file.osm.pbf -o sorted.osm.obf
osmium renumber sorted.osm.pbf -o new-input.osm.pbf



Generate river drainage basins

osm-lump-ways -i path/to/region-latest.osm.pbf -o region-rivers.geojson -f waterway=river

To group based on the river's name:

osm-lump-ways -i path/to/region-latest.osm.pbf -o region-rivers.geojson -f waterway=river -g name

To find long streets and assemble them into connected (Multi)LineStrings:

osm-lump-ways -i path/to/region-latest.osm.pbf -o long-streets.geojson -f highway -g name


cargo install osm-lump-ways

Full Options

Run with --help to see all options.


Here, a “frame” of a grouping is a shortest path through 2 points in the grouped together ways. This can be useful for waterways to find where a big group is connected.

--output-frames FILENAME.geojsons will save these features to a file. GeoJSONSeq output format only.

Examples of usage


It reads & groups an OSM PBF file, like osm-lump-ways, but it uses the direction of the OSM way, to produce many different output files.

Output files


Cycles in the network. Each is a strongly connected component, and MultiLineString.

Feature Properties

  • areas: Array of Strings. The cycle is geocoded using country-borders. The code for every matching area is included in this array, sorted with longest strings first. e.g.: ["GB-ENG","GB"],
  • areas_s: String. areas, but the array has been converted to a string, and comma separated, with a , prefix & suffix. e.g. ",GB-ENG,GB,". The prefix & suffix ensure you can always search for ,GB, in that property and get a match.
  • area_N: String. One for every element in areas, with a numeric suffix and the item itself. e.g. "areas_s":",GB-ENG,GB," then there will be "area_0":"GB-ENG","area_1":"GB". These properties are for software which doesn't support JSON arrays.
  • length_m: Float. Total length of this cycle, in metres.
  • nodes: String. All the node ids in this cycle, sorted, and deduplicated, and saved e.g. "n318688661,n5354970286,n1016277960.
  • root_node_id: Integer. Node id of the lowest numbered node in this cycle.
  • num_nodes: Integer. Number of nodes in this cycle. incl. duplicates.


Each way segment (a 2 point LineString) with the upstream data.

with --upstream-tag-ends, each segement get information about the end point(s) for that segment.


Above, but just the first point. Each feature a Point.


Points where waterways end.

Ends membership of tagged ways

With the --ends-membership TAGFILTER arg every end will have a boolean property called is_in:TAGFILTER which is only true if this end node is a member of a way with this tag filter. This argument can be applied many times. An addditional property is_in_count is an integer of how many of these properties are true.

e.g. --ends-membership natural=coastline will cause each end point to have a JSON property is_in:natural=coastline which is true iff this node is also a member of a way with the natural=coastline tag, false otherwise.


Only with --ends-upstreams argument. File of MultiLineStrings showing, for each end, where the upstreams are. Useful to find why there's a big upstream end somewhere.

--ends-upstreams-min-upstream-m 1e6 --ends-upstreams-max-nodes 1000 is a good tradeoff for calculation speed & file size, which still shows the relevant upstreams

Loop removal

After the loops are detected, all the edges (way segments) in the loops are contracted together, producing a new graph which is loop-free.


This software isn't finished. Lots is being motivated for, a topological analysis of waterways in OpenStreetMap.

External Mentions


Copyright & Licence

Copyright 2023, 2024, MIT/Apache2.0. Source code is on Github (osm-lump-ways).

The output data file(s) are a Derived Database of the OpenStreetMap database, and hence under the ODbL 1.0 licence, the same as the OpenStreetMap copyright, and contains data © OpenStreetMap contributors


Group OSM ways together based on topology & tags



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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