FogLAMP South Plugin for testsample. read more
This repo contains the scripts used to create a foglamp-south-testsample package.
$ ./make_deb help
make_deb help [clean|cleanall]
This script is used to create the Debian package of foglamp south testsample
help - Display this help text
clean - Remove all the old versions saved in format .XXXX
cleanall - Remove all the versions, including the last one
Finally, run the make_deb
$ ./make_deb
The package root directory is : /home/pi/foglamp-south-testsample
The FogLAMP south testsample version is : 1.0.0
The package will be built in : /home/pi/foglamp-south-testsample/packages/build
The package name is : foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0
Populating the package and updating version file...Done.
Building the new package...
dpkg-deb: building package 'foglamp-south-testsample' in 'foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb'.
Building Complete.
The result will be:
$ ls -l packages/build/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 4 pi pi 4096 Jun 14 10:03 foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4522 Jun 14 10:03 foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb
If you execute the make_deb
command again, you will see:
$ ./make_deb
The package root directory is : /home/pi/foglamp-south-testsample
The FogLAMP south testsample version is : 1.0.0
The package will be built in : /home/pi/foglamp-south-testsample/packages/build
The package name is : foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0
Saving the old working environment as foglamp-south-testsample-
Populating the package and updating version file...Done.
Saving the old package as foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb.0001
Building the new package...
dpkg-deb: building package 'foglamp-south-testsample' in 'foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb'.
Building Complete.
$ ls -l packages/build/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 4 pi pi 4096 Jun 14 10:06 foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0
drwxr-xr-x 4 pi pi 4096 Jun 14 10:03 foglamp-south-testsample-
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4518 Jun 14 10:06 foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4522 Jun 14 10:03 foglamp-south-testsample-1.0.0.deb.0001
... where the previous build is now marked with the suffix .0001.
Use the clean
option to remove all the old packages and the files used to make the package.
Use the cleanall
option to remove all the packages and the files used to make the package.