I will use the ROS messaging system to build a pair of apps. They will first communicate as publisher/subscriber with strings, then client/server with a proper rosmsg. It will be demoed in C++ and python. I will create a package called ros_tutorial.
Install ROS and get familiar with it. Also install the relative environment variables in the bashrc.
In all examples I will use (at least) three terminal windows (T1, T2, T3).
I want to build a plain vanilla pub-sub to communicate string messages. The reference files are in ros_tutorial/src/ -> publisher.cpp, subscriber.cpp
From the workspace main directory (the repo directory, basically)
Now the executables will be in devel/lib/<package_name>
roscore (T1)
cd devel/lib/ros_tutorial
./listener (T2)
./talker (T3)
From the workspace main directory
cd src/ros_tutorial
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
The same folder structure of catkin main workspace will be created in build
cd build/devel/lib/ros_tutorial
roscore (T1)
./listener (T2)
./talker (T3)
If you don't want to use the command line to run executables, and prefer other ros tools (like rosrun, roslaunch, rosmsg, rossrv ...") type this from the main workspace directory.
source devel/setup.bash
You can now try thus to lanch pub-sub
roscore (T1)
rosrun ros_tutorial listener (T2)
rosrun ros_tutorial talker (T3)
After setup.bash you can verify the service and msg created. I won't use it for publisher-subscriber, but will use it for client-sever
rosmsg show ros_tutorial/coordinate
rossrv show ros_tutorial/get_coordinates
I want to sent a message composed of three long ints, a point (x,y,z). I want to send it via a service, which received a request and sends back a response with this message.
In "ros_tutorial"/src, the reference files are client.cpp and server.cpp. The messages and service are into ros_tutorial/msg/coordinates.msg and ros_tutorial/srv/get_coordinates.srv.
Built the project as in one of the two options of the previous (pub-sub) section. Then go to the devel/lib/<package_name> binaries directory.
roscore (T1)
cd devel/lib/ros_tutorial
./server (T2)
./client (T3) // can repeat exec serveral times
I will replicate the examples above using python.
The catkin build (or the cmake build) have generated the python dist-packages that I need to import in the main python executables. The python file I create also requires to be executable (chmod a+x *.py). Because I have previously built the package with catkin and run source devel/setup.bash, I can now launch it with ros tools.
The publisher talks a bunch of strings to the subscriber. Python files need to be added manually in the scripts directory inside the <package_name> directory.
roscore (T1)
rosrun ros_tutorial listener.py (T2)
rosrun ros_tutorial talker.py (T3)
It will use the message coordinates and service get_coordinates. The server waits for a request, and sends a point(x,y,z) back as a single response, and then the client terminates.
roscore (T1)
rosrun ros_tutorial server.py (T2)
rosrun ros_tutorial client.py (T3) // can repeat exec serveral times
Unit tests are run with catkin_make tests && catkin_make run_tests
for c++ code (not yet there) and catkin_make test
for python code.