In order to run on PrestaShop, dependencies needs to be downloaded and the JS application built.
Retrieve dependencies with composer
composer install
# or
make docker-build-composer
npm install --n
npm run build
# or
make vuejs
npm run dev
npm run lint
npm run test:unit
# or
make test-front
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/
docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop; docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/web/module -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/web/module phpstan/phpstan analyse --configuration=/web/module/tests/phpstan/phpstan.neon;
# or
make test-back
Storybook available on this url. It is updated on each push to the master
By default, PHP will define data to the Vue.js application that are related to the production.
In case you need to modify these variables during while maintaining this project, you may
overwrite them by creating a file .env
in the root directory of this module, and using the
keys that can be found in classes/config/Config.php
If you want to use local vue app, set on your .env USE_LOCAL_VUE_APP at 1. For instance to modify the base URL of the services for a local one:
Microcks is an API in which all calls to the production API have been mocked.
To use microcks, replace the default PSX_MKTG_WITH_GOOGLE_API_URL from Config.php by filling an .env
file with: