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Amazon Connect Contact lens action item reminders

This repo is attached to the blog "Create action item reminders with Amazon Connect Tasks and Contact Lens for Amazon Connect". Head there to get the full set of steps for using this code.

Deployment Steps

  1. Install CDK and run the CDK bootstrap command if this is the first time running CDK in an AWS Account.
npm -g install typescript
npm -g install aws-cdk
cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT_ID/AWS_REGION
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Deploy the project
cdk deploy --context amazonConnectUrl=<YOUR INSTANCE URL> --context amazonConnectArn=<YOUR INSTANCE ARN> --context contactFlowId=<CONTACT FLOW ID> --context amazonConnectId=<INSTANCE ID> --context taskQueueArn=<TASK QUEUE ARN> --context contactLensS3BucketName=<YOUR BUCKET NAME>


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.