OpenSeesMP provides basic MPI message-passing commands, which can be used to run parametric studies in parallel. The "mpjobs" package utilizes the OpenSeesMP commands to provide an abstract framework for running parametric studies in series and parallel, eliminating the need to deal directly with the message passing commands. Additionally, "mpjobs" formalizes and organizes the parametric study in a way that supports save-state functionality, allowing the analyst to revisit a study and analyze it further.
To run parametric studies in parallel, one must either compile the OpenSeesMP version of OpenSees, or install OpenSeesMPI.
Full documentation here.
This package is a Tin package. Tin makes installing Tcl packages easy, and is available here.
After installing Tin, simply run the following Tcl code to install the most recent version of "mpjobs":
package require tin
tin add -auto mpjobs install.tcl
tin install mpjobs