Its a simple multi-threaded HTTP Server that only accepts HTTP GET requests and returns the desired content to the client.
- make (This will compile the program)
- java Server (This will start the HTTP server)
- make clean (Optional : This will clean compiled .class files)
- Ctrl + C (To Terminate/kill the server)
- is the Server class(containing the main function) which creates the socket and listen on the port 8080.
- The server is responsible to accept the TCP request through socket and creates a new thread to process each Http Request.
- Server receives the requested resource name, client port number and client IP address.
- Server also prints the number of time the resource is requested along with above details from the client.
- HttpHandler is responsible to parse the Http GET Request for a requested resource.
- If the request resource is found, HttpHandle prepares the http response header with 200 OK status, append the content and send the response.
- If resource is not found, HttpHandler sends 404 Not Found.
- HttpHandler also sends the resource name, client port number and client IP address to the Server.
- It looks for a directory called www, located in the same parent directory as your HTTP server executable. The www directory should contain resources you want your HTTP server to serve. If this directory does not exist, the HTTP server outputs an error message and quit.
- The date and time in the HTTP ResponseHeader is originated in the format defined by RFC 7231 Date/Time Formats 2.
- Upon successfully serving a request, your HTTP server must write to standard output (stdout) the following items: requested resource, client IP (client’s IP address in dotted decimal representation), client port (client’s port number), access times (the number of times this resource has been requested since the start of the HTTP server)
Output: ====================Server Details==================== Server Machine: Port number: 8080
Step 2: On client machine run the wget to get resource. After the input is executed the file gets downloaded as client side.
Input: wget http:/
Output: ====================Server Details==================== Server Machine: Port number: 8080
Note: After the input is executed the file gets downloaded as client side.
Input: wget
Output: NO change as the file is not Found. Http 404 Not Found Error at client side.