The plugin applies syntax highlighting to the following Amber script elements:
- Shebang lines
- Inline and documentation comments
- Compiler flags
- Function names for definitions and calls
- Keywords and data types
- Numeric and boolean operators
- Numeric and boolean literals
- String literals with interpolation
- Bash commands with interpolation
The plugin also sets these Vim options:
- Insert spaces not tabs; indent by four spaces
- Enable smart indentation, so we indent on line after "{"
- Continue inline or documentation comments on next line
In Vim 8 and above:
hwalters@Ghostwheel ~
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
hwalters@Ghostwheel ~
$ cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
hwalters@Ghostwheel ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
$ git clone
Cloning into 'amber-vim'...