Baton is a load testing tool written in Go. It currently supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests.
Installation of Baton with Go is as easy as running go get
$ go get -u
Binary releases are available.
Baton currently supports the following options:
-b string
Body (use instead of -f)
-c int
Number of concurrent requests (default 1)
-f string
File path to file to be used as the body (use instead of -b)
-i Ignore TLS/SSL certificate validation
-m string
HTTP Method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE) (default "GET")
-o Supress output, no results will be printed to stdout
-r int
Number of requests (use instead of -t) (default 1)
-t int
Duration of testing in seconds (use instead of -r)
-u string
URL to run against
-w int
Number of seconds to wait before running test
-z string
Read requests from a file
Below is A basic example which will use 10 workers to send 200,000 requests is as follows:
$ baton -u http://localhost:8080/test -c 10 -r 200000
Instead of the number of requests, you can specify the time (in seconds) during which the requests should be sent. Baton will wait for all the responses to be received before reporting the results.
When specifying a file to load requests from (-z filename
), the file should be of CSV format (RFC-4180)
<method>,<url>,[<body>],[<header-key>:<header-value>, ...]
You can have one or more headers at the end separated by ,
For example:
POST,http://localhost:8888,body,Accept: application/xml,Content-type: Secret
====================== Results ======================
Total requests: 1254155
Time taken to complete requests: 10.046739294s
Requests per second: 124832
Max response time (ms): 440
Min response time (ms): 55
Avg response time (ms): 156.70
===================== Breakdown =====================
Number of connection errors: 0
Number of 1xx responses: 0
Number of 2xx responses: 1254155
Number of 3xx responses: 0
Number of 4xx responses: 0
Number of 5xx responses: 0
- Dynamic generation of data based on a template
- Testing REST endpoints with dynamically generated keys
- Statistics are only provided when a fixed number of requests is provided (instead of providing a duration).
Dep is currently being utilized as the dependency manager for Baton. Details of how to use dep can be found on
Before updating any dependencies, ensure you have fully tested all functionality.
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