vitest-cucumber is an opiniated vitest tools (not a plugin) inspired by jest-cucumber.
Goal is to write unit test using Gherkin feature file and checking scenario name, missing scenario step etc.
npm install @amiceli/vitest-cucumber -D
It's enough you don't to add or update a config file.
Since v3.4.4
vitest-cucumber required vitest >=2.0.0
You can take a look on :
- vitest-cucumber-example. Is a
project example. - vitest-cucumber_rtl_template. Is a
project example.
function use vitest describe
function and all steps function like Given
, Then
use vitest test
So you don't need to use it
or test
inside Scenario
or scenario steps.
First write your feature
file. By example :
Feature: Improve my unit tests
Scenario: Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests
Given Developer using feature file
And Using vitest-cucumber
When I run my unit tests
Then I know if I forgot a scenario
Now you can write unit tests with vitest-cucumber.
Foe example :
import { loadFeature, describeFeature } from '@amiceli/vitest-cucumber'
import { expect } from 'vitest'
const feature = await loadFeature('path/to/my/file.feature')
describeFeature(feature, ({ Scenario }) => {
Scenario('Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests', ({ Given, When, Then, And }) => {
Given('Developer using feature file', () => {
And('sing vitest-cucumber', () => {
// ...
When('I run my unit tests', () => {
// ...
Then('I know if I forgot a scenario', () => {
// ...
When you run your test with vitest, vitest-cucumber will check :
- if you forget a Scenario or a Scenario Outline
- if you use correct Scenario description
- if you forgot a Scenario step
- if you use a wrong Scenario step type
- missing variables value in Scenario Outline
- missing variables name in Scenario Outline steps
For example, if you forgot to write :
When('I run my unit tests', () => {
// ...
It will throw When I run my unit tests was not called.
Since 3.4.1
vitest-cucumber provide a script to generate spec file from feature file.
You can use it like this :
npx @amiceli/vitest-cucumber <path-to-feature> <path-to-spec>
An example :
npx @amiceli/vitest-cucumber features/example.feature src/__tests__/example.spec.ts
You just have to format spec file after this script ;).
Currently it generates TS
file, if you need more options open an issue ;).
- Configuration
- Vitest plugin to sync spec and feature files
- Background
- Scenario
- Scenario Outline and Examples
- Rule
- Scneario hooks
- Structure hooks
with scenario, rule and background- Step sequentially and async
- Gherkin tags
- Step with expression / parameter type
- DocStrings
- DataTables
- Spoken languages
Doc is maintain in this project vitest-cucumber-docs.
Don't hesitate to open an issue on it if you want more details ;).