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Connection Manager

Patrick Altman edited this page Aug 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

Connection Manager

The Connection Manager works like other Connection Managers in SSIS and can be added by using the SSIS menu option while editing a package.

Choose EBCDIC from the list of Connection Manager types. A new EBCDICConnectionManager will be created in your Connection Manager window and will automatically open the edit window for your EBCDIC Connection.

There are 5 tabs available in EBCDIC Connection Manager editor:

  • General
  • Raw Data
  • Layout
  • Preview
  • License

General Tab

The General Tab is used to select the EBCDIC source file and set attributes such as Header Rows To Skip. Simply click 'Browse' and choose an EBCDIC binary file that you wish to use. After you have set any file attributes you can then click 'Layout' on the left hand side to begin your file definition.

Raw Data Tab

The Raw Data Tab is a useful tool for exploring the raw data of your input file in Hexadecimal format. The Offset position will display in the bottom left if you click on a byte and a Go To function is provided in the bottom left to quickly jump to an offset.

Layout Tab

Layout is where you will define the structure of your file using the add column button on the far left of the toolbar. A layout can be created using the Add Column menu in the top left, however, a much quicker way is to import a layout that was previously generated by the parser. Select a column from the tree on the left to change its properties. Any invalid values will be detected and displayed at the bottom. Clicking on a validation warning will select the Column in the Definition related to the warning.

Preview Tab

Preview allows you to apply the layout to the input file and see the results without having to create the rest of your solution. Use the Generate button to begin processing the file but keep in mind the number of rows to display may affect performance.

License Tab

The License Tab is a tool for applying your license key value after purchase.

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