Package for matching MQTT patterns with wildcards to extract data from topics
This project is a Go implementation of the mqtt-pattern.
To install mqttpattern package:
- Install using go get:
go get
- Import it in your code:
import mqttpattern ""
package main
import (
mqttpattern ""
func main() {
isMatch := mqttpattern.Matches("foo/+/baz", "foo/bar/baz")
fmt.Printf("isMatch: %t\n", isMatch)
// isMatch: true
params := mqttpattern.Extract("foo/+something/baz", "foo/bar/baz")
fmt.Printf("params: %v\n", params)
// params: map[something:bar]
params := mqttpattern.Exec("foo/+something/+otherthing", "foo/bar/baz")
fmt.Printf("params: %v", params)
// params: map[otherthing:baz something:bar]
cleanPattern := mqttpattern.Fill("foo/+bar/#baz", map[string]string{"bar": "BAR", "baz": "BAZ"})
fmt.Printf("pattern: %s", cleanPattern)
// pattern: foo/BAR/BAZ
cleanPattern := mqttpattern.Clean("foo/+something/#otherthing")
fmt.Printf("pattern: %s", cleanPattern)
// pattern: foo/+/#